
The best part is the title could refer to either the author or the subject. 

I can’t help it because I’m a copy editor: “a part,” not “apart.” “A part” means “included in,” and “apart” means “separate from.”

I am a middle-aged white lady but I would love to show up and use my “let me speak to your manager” powers for good.

If you own a $40 million yacht and have no better place to put it than fucking Ohio, you deserve anything that’s coming to you.

Hell, Dump just announced a twenty billion dollar subsidy program to support the farmers he just fucking kneecapped with his little trade war. He’s doing it under the CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation, set up by Franklin “New Deal” Roosevelt in 1933!

I’m probably around the same age as you and agree. Socialism was conflated with communism from WW2 on and capitalism vs communism defined a generation but things have changed. Older people hear socialism and think USSR, hiding under their desks, food lines, police-state,etc. Younger people hear socialism and go “Oh

Trump literally established a socialist program yesterday. How is it that Republicans are this damn stupid?! He’s giving farmers $12 billion in aid money. That is socialism!

“I don’t want other people’s grandkids to have the same advantages mine will have purely through the luck of who they were born to.”

I’m convinced that Ike was the greatest president since FDR.  

And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?

She comes from a privileged upbringing, has never had to worry about her financial future, healthcare costs, what kind of schools her kids would go to, and on and on and on. To talk about how horrible it would be for others to get the smallest taste of that kind of security is is disgusting. Meghan is the worst, whites

Who’s paying for your dad’s healthcare, Meg?

Tell them you quit because of the bullshit with the anthem protests (don’t say which side of that debate you stand on) and then use their response to figure out just how racist your friends are.

Hey, what’s up guys, shit sucks huh?

I don’t think folks can underestimate the damage Lee Atwater has done to the Republic. It’s beyond dangerous and the end game is a complete reversal of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments. I’m sure Trump’s people would also like the get rid of the 22nd as well.

The looks on some of their faces and the intensity in which they clapped, suggests to me that, at least in the case of the handful of fans I looked at, they were proud of him for saying racist shit and being “one of them.”

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

He doesnt give a shit about the anthem or what the players do. He is just pissed he wasnt allowed into the club of NFL owners back in the 80's

Just to recap Trump supporters beliefs:

The Aristocrats!