
Just FYI, when a man talks about having to avoid certain situations for fear of ~being accused of~ sexual assault, it makes you sound like a total creep who definitely should avoid those situations because no one wants to be in a vulnerable state with someone who is apparently more concerned about protecting himself

And this

Okay, but in 2015 he was saying shit like this...soo

Whoooboy that Publicist Hack answer

Ok so he admitted to drugging (not sure if that is a word) and having sex with a woman. Also he didn’t use “Spanish Fly”. That sounds like GHB.  How tf is he still out walking around??? Cancel him.

Because he wants what he wants and the word “no” isn’t on his radar. Men like that can’t fathom that a woman they wanted would reject them.

So he’s basically copping the Russell “I’ve evolved since then” Simmons plea.

I think Spanish Fly is bullshit though?

Tha God”

I wish he was more of outlier with this attitude, he’s likely to have a lot of defenders who agree with him 

He wasn’t successful yet. He was just 22. And rape is about exerting power over another person. It is about feeling entitled to a woman’s body. It’s not about sex. It’s about making another person submit.

Same as Bill Cosby. It’s about subjugating and having power over the victim not about sex.

Discussing rape culture openly wasn’t a thing in 2015? It was a “newer understanding” at that time? Really?

I think it’s pretty well known that rape really isn’t about lack of access to sex, it’s about power and entitlement. And guys who do stuff like this have all sort of internal justifications about why what they’re doing isn’t really rape. His justification appears to be something along the lines of “she wanted to have

Now, another old Charlamagne recording has resurfaced, this one from 2015, in which McKelvey says he gave a woman Spanish Fly and had sex with her while she was “wasted.” In the exchange, which was recorded on the Brilliant Idiots podcast, McKelvey insists the sex was consensual, though he admits that his partner did

One of the commenters restated Charlemagne’s explanation for why his charges were reduced as if it was fact.

He’s a garbage human. And he raped her. He needs to be off the air and find other work. Nobody is surprised this came up. Nobody. And the only folk defending him are the same black men who defend black men who sexually abuse women, especially black women.

I was already truly done with Charlemagne Tha God when he started caping for White Supremacist Barbie Tomi Lahren. This just shows I made the right choice.

If this happened in housing provided by the DOD, federal charges can be filed instead.

sorry for her pain and her mothers. He submitted to DNA testing, so is she trying to get him convicted of the actual rape?