
An explanation about how someone who looks like Serena Williams can’t be trusted? You’re reading a dog whistle.

And here’s what miss “Start a progressive revolution” has been doing the past few days as liberal causes in the US have are being blasted back to the Dark Ages:

To all those on the left who placed your precious deological purity above the greater long term good of hundreds of millions of people who are now going to have their lives viciously attacked by this regressive SCOTUS, for perhaps a decade or longer...........We salute you:

It is normally twenty comments deep until a Bernie Bro comes along with a, Bernie would’ve won or a Hillary was a flawed candidate line. For real all of you need to go the fuck away. The rest of us are trying to save this country that none of you self righteous assholes give a shit about. Oh Bernie Fuck you too,

“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie

I think, regardless, there is alcohol involved later.

This! All of this! Not to mention people like Jesse Ventura and Arnold Swartzenegger had similar trajectories of starting out acting and going on to have successful terms as governor. So Cynthia's path to Albany isn’t unprecedented.

Probably shouldn’t let a junior senator from Illinois be President either until he’s been in the government a bit longer to learn how the government functions first.  

Yes, be kind because his “economic anxiety” has been triggered.

I do not actually expect it but after the Primary in NY #14 last night where a socialist just booted a 10 term Dem Congressman...I wonder if a miracle might just sneak through in New York State. People in the City are sick of Cuomo, and she is also working some populist levers upstate.

“The most dominant theme of the correspondence seemed to be “Motherfucker I can’t wait to have an excuse to kill you,”

There is no other path. These people will never back down or admit fault. Public shame and embarrassment is the only thing that will communicate to these people. Racists will always be racist and Trump made it ok to be out in the open with it.

You’re threats don’t scare us servant of lucifer

seriously. at this point it doesnt matter as long as they run as democrat and has most or all of our values. which is weird that one has to say “most” and wonder what the hell that means.

I’m not entirely convinced that Splinter writers aren’t secret conservative operatives trying to suppress the Democratic vote. If they’re not, I’m not entirely convinced that secret conservative operators could do a better job of it.

It’s Splinter. They can’t bother to actually edit their articles for typos, or to make sure they aren’t misrepresenting the source material, or to ensure they have their facts straight. But you can be damn sure if you submit a political article, you’d better be sure to bash Democrats or else it’s coming back with an “I

If you don’t want us to vote for Democrats, what action are you suggesting people take that would stop McConnell from getting what he wants? Because there is nothing McConnell wants more than for people not to vote for Democrats, and it sure seems like you’re encouraging people to give him what he wants.

It’s amazing that one of the takeaways from this is somehow “don’t vote for Democrats.

You want another reason to help flip the House/Senate at midterms? You can impeach any member of the Executive Branch and you can impeach SCOTUS judges.

Mitch McConnell is the spit on tip of Trump’s tiny thumb dick cornholing an unwilling nation.