
This all day every day.

Thanks for the link! I totally missed this story. It’s getting exhausting trying to keep up with all this shit. 

Publicize how Trump’s evangelical ambassador to Germany is on the verge of being ejected for sympathizing with modern German Nazis...

Right?!  ‘White nationalist’ sounds like something that could be mistaken for a genuine rational philosophy if you’re drunk enough and have been smacked about the head a few times with a baseball bat.  Stephen Miller et al. are Neo-Nazis, plain and simple.

“White Nationalist.”
“Uh, I just did thing on being nice with people. Maybe don’t say ‘white nationalist,’ plz?”
“Okay, he’s a vile, racist, hate filled, spiteful, petty, disgusting, incel, troll who looks like he made a bad deal with the devil in which he exchanged all his youth for a modicum of power...Who traffics in


Stephen Miller is a white nationalist.

As an Iowan and journalist, I just had the displeasure of writing an editorial letting our readership (70% supported Trump in 2016 - Im in deep red Steve King country) know that as farmers, you reap what you sow. He promised a trade war, and what do you know, hes delivering. Of course affected nations are going to pu

^^^^^ THIS

Welcome to the Middle American paradox. I’ve been saying this for years: to many of these people, hatred of the other is more important than their own well-being.

The right is intolerant of anything that conflicts with its lies and falsehoods.

While you’re not necessarily wrong. Don’t forget that there’s a lot of political involvement in keeping education in agrarian-dominant areas to an absolute minimum.

Yes, agreed that elections matter and that Americans generally suck at it... but the GOP are also doing everything in their power to strip voters of their rights and make it harder for people to voice their displeasure with this single mechanism.

Nope. It was shitty back then as it was shitty during the Bush administration. That it’s a white nationalist kidnapper gang is a feature, not a bug.

Yep. Right here in Ohio crops wither and die on the vine because there are no immigrants to pick them. And all that fat white garbage screaming about them thar damn immergints takin’ er jobs are suddenly nowhere to be found.

It was created out of post-9/11 anti-Muslim panic and jingoistic fervor. This is exactly the reason and purpose it was created to fulfill.

Once the summer is over and the US farmers are ruined due to Trump’s trade war, there will be big problems in the USA. From a Canadian, you’re definitely in trouble. I see US produce and products just sitting on the shelves, with Canadians refusing to buy American.

A well-designed political system would have a built-in feedback system to ensure that those making the decisions are also subject to the consequences of those decisions

I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.