
If the media would have done their job and grilled trump and his stooges on their blatant lies and bullshit from day one we probably wouldn’t be here. But they choose to suck up and normalize this shit instead. So here we are.

A) Well, I was hoping that Hale, petulant, sniveling little gremlin that she was, would get hers. And she did. And we still get to keep Tessa Thompson next season, so it’s win-win!

A rose is a rose by any other name... bud.

So after all that, all of that, Fidelity was his sled

Ashley Stubbs, smarter than he looks.

Twitter’s bias in favor of rightwing fascists is appalling.

Well that didn’t take long. Nope, these assholes do not deserve any respect. Imagine being as stupid as the editorial board for the Washington Post, that you actually think that Nazis and racists should be treated with dignity and respect, that they shouldn’t be punished for the hateful things they do.

If Trump and the GOP were in power in 1941.

How hard is it to imagine, for example, people who strongly believe that abortion is murder deciding that judges or other officials who protect abortion rights should not be able to live peaceably with their families?

The following story was also in the news today. They can all go fuck themselves.

Yeah but these are the same people who if they could would probably build actual extermination camps for people crossing the border but got in a massive moral panic because someone dared to accurately describe Ivanka as a cunt.

I’m currently putting up with a 12 hour stint in Twitter jail for saying “fuck civility” to someone who got mad at me for the heinous crime of doing a swear at them. What a glorious, glorious world we live in.

When people are dying because they can’t get the health care they need, when kids are locked up in cages and being force-fed antipsychotic drugs, when our water is poisoned, when we betray our foundational principles to pad our bank accounts, f-k your inconvenience.

Whereas you are a masterclass in how to be invincible against being overrated.

Has the strategy of “Let ‘em burn it all down and we’ll rebuild an even better society” ever worked?

How the fuck are you gonna vote for Bernie Sanders and then for Gary Johnson? Their proposed policies are almost diametrically opposed. 

A misquote of a misquote (from Deadline) of a very different article. Great job, guys.

The race for the championship should be called the super bowl. 

*reads french girl in canada*

I hope it’s a toilet racing bylaw that you have you have a pair of pants around your ankles.