On the one hand, yes, the high road is obviously better.
Uh, no. It was already divided. Incivility has been heaped upon the leftish side of our spectrum ever since Rush Limbough and Ann Coulter came to prominence. My only objection to David Simon and Robert DeNiro’s recent outbursts is that they’re so unsubtle. When you’ve got a sitting target like President Caligula and…
Leopards weren’t supposed to eat MY face.
“Heifer;” and yes.
I guess they didn't anticipate something like this happening once the Supreme Court ruled that you can refuse to bake wedding cakes for gay couples.
Congratulations, you’ve just given every corporation’s reasoning against expanded maternity leave!
You’re absolutely right, choices do have consequences. But in this case the U.S. Open gets to decide what the consequences are. They’ve decided that pregnancy, being a completely acceptable choice for women, will have a different consequence than an injury. You may not agree, but you’re not the U.S. Open. Too bad for…
‘beshitted’ is just a beautiful turn of phrase
“Lying fuckmooks” + “beshitted hypocrites” = David Simon is a treasure.
It’s incivility like his that is so terribly dividing this country. Compared to this, all the terrible things that President Trump and his administration are doing is a minor piffle.
No, it’s not punitive, yes, it’s due to not playing, and pregnancy doesn’t affect it more or less than anything else. What’s at issue is protected entries and a push from some players to allow new mothers to return at their previous ranking.
There seems to be a mild kerfluffle in the greys that suggests that it is unfair to protect the seeding of a woman who becomes pregnant and misses time while a man faces no consequences for their off-court activities. Therefore, in the spirit of inclusion and fairness, I recommend the following rule change:
No consequences for the man involved. But you probably know that, you’re just a troll and an a-hole.
Congrats on totally PWNing the snowflake libtards.
Please let that Spurs trade happen, I want to see LaVar try the shit he’s pulled with Gregg Popovich
I’m back. I lasted about a minute or two and left out of boredom.
People who think Bill Simmons is too intellectual.
Few things are more insufferable than listening to someone try to explain why something is funny.