Fair enough, but I didn’t see anyone talking about “boatloads” - the letter didn’t specify how often they use it, and the advice was therapy and moderation when it comes to self-medication.
Fair enough, but I didn’t see anyone talking about “boatloads” - the letter didn’t specify how often they use it, and the advice was therapy and moderation when it comes to self-medication.
If that were the case, wouldn’t he have described it as a more recent phenomenon? In the letter, she says that he claims he’s never felt feelings like love or happiness, and it’s not like he was a habitual MDMA user as a child.
Maybe they haven’t handled a gun, but I imagine their bigger concern is whether they or someone like them will be forced to handle a bullet
They’re “clueless about risk assessment” but many are able to purchase an AR-15. That seems strange, doncha think?
You mad snowflake? Sound a bit triggered.
1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.
Teacher here.
They’ll address it by using the posts of vainglorious kids posting up on their social media feeds who have no idea why they are walking out, or by interviewing a few kids like that.
The correct response to this is to get out videos of kids who know why they’re walking.
Technically, no. Fox News is registered as an entertainment network specifically so that they can say things that would get you sued and/or fined on an actual news network.
Petunias probably borrowed that line from Sean Bean.
I would think petunias and ‘Oh, no. Not again.’
Gotta hand it to these conservative assholes, they know how to play their shit. Between this, the Sinclair network shit and the thing I heard this morning about the new national group that seeks to install judges everywhere, trying working hard on the indoctrination shit.
While the Left is out protesting, the right is doing this shit! Is there any wonder things never change?
Even a slim dem victory in a county Trump carried by 20 points is an enormous swing.
Thank you for exposing this garbage. I’m going to check with my kids’ school district to see if this crap is being used in their schools.
Also the fact that, once again, Trump personally showed up to stump for a candidate immediately before an election and that candidate then proceeded to lose, despite a huge built in advantage in voter demographics.
“In order to reach climax, I have to fantasize about kinky role-play-type situations. “
Talk bout pissing in someone’s cereal, you guys are too cool for these special elections now huh”? Bet you had a nice long one written up if Saccone won, telling us how useless the dems are, but since Lamb won, you get this snarky POS response.
But if you read the legal fine print they aren’t supposed to be a legit news source. By their own admission they are a ‘news entertainment’ network. So, effectively, they are trying to get away with fabricating bullshit and twisting reality by sort of claiming they are creating satire, I guess.
What Fox does is report actual, legitimate, factual news, for about 1 hour a day. the rest of their programming, like Hannity, Fox & Friends, etc, are editorial programs. They spout opinion and don’t have to actually be factual.
So, long story short, if Lamb’s victory holds, it will be largely symbolic