Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.
Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.
Like being OK with higher taxes until you own your own business or become richer
Hahahaha, you think that liberals don’t hate and fear what they don’t understand either? Get real.
As a libertarian, I have lots of friends on the left and on the right. I’m here to tell you that the conservatives don’t hate gays or think felons should be ass raped or that minorities are subhuman. They just don’t. That’s just what you have to think so you don’t feel horrible for hating humans who simply have a…
You are nothing but a troll. One of the problems of politics is the generalization of individuals tied to party politics. Because I am a conservative does not mean I am a bigot, racist, or hateful. Don’t blame your rage on the people that disagree with you.
So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email…
I’ve actually noticed this in the last year or two in Seattle. I have no problem comparing the prices per oz to find what I’m looking for when I’m not in the mood for a particular brand and the big bottles aren’t the same value they once were. Definitely the better value to just spring for the 6-pack these days.
Another good article Tyler. This site never disappoints with relevant and up to date information. Good job.
“As such, only time will tell if the deal tentatively agreed upon today ends up actually being worth paper it is written on.”
Actually you could not be more wrong. Everyone has an opinion, just because Dustin’s is different than your’s or mine does not mean he is a tool for anyone. Nobody edited his comments and he is not even in the service anymore.
Thanks random Kinja advice giver guy
Supposedly the spectator made it out with a broken leg. There’s another video that at least shows him moving (slowly)
What is the point of this article? To expose that ESPN hired a conservative? The politicized life is so tiresome. “Never ever deal with anybody or anything that might have different political views than you.”
There are a great many reasons; to start with, pound for pound, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and their derivatives are the most heavily armed warships ever built. There are ships that carry more weapons per se, but they are much larger ships, like the Kirovs. Secondly, a ship also needs to be able to accommodate…
Yeah, that was awesome.
Stadium Super Trucks is, by far and away, the perfect race series for someone who cares for nothing about racing. Do…