
Cannot resist.

So the question is; why isn't the Marjata IV ramform?

Sometime during the very late 80's me and a friend were driving west on I80 just out of Auburn, Ca, during the day, and a huge shadow enveloped my car immediately follow by an SR71 that was passing overhead. Scared the crap out of us. It seemed to be so low we could actually reach out and touch it. Dont know why it

That space behind the cockpit used to be the butt of a running joke in our department. It was usually referred to as future laser storagge. One day we were holding a design review at Edwards and a fee Palmdale guys were in there. Someone on our team made the joke and got a dirty look - during the next break one of

Uh, what? Is Tyler's post not falling in line close enough with the RT for you? Far from "propaganda". This seems pretty tame and factual to me...some of it may be based on opinion, but it's based in truth...unless that is, you're in Moscow. Troll somewhere else Maxie. Yawn.

How is having "No plan in regards to ISIS" acceptable? Both sides of the isle are getting very concerned with this.

I have a friend who was involved in a terrible accident, they had been partying all night and got in the car, they slammed into a car illegally parked and pinned a woman, described as a "saint" in the community, who was putting something into the trunk between the back end of the parked car and the front end of their

now I feel less bad about the USA conspiring with Germany to get us both through to the next round.

Now playing

Here's a video of the Donovan Algeria goal from the stands. Even now, chills.