
Fortnite is a crap game. All Hail Blackout. 

It’s a He said She said argument about something that may or may not have happened 36 years ago. There is zero evidence, zero corroborating witnesses, and no real way to determine if it did or didn’t happen. We are governed by the rule of law, and the basic idea of “innocent until proven guilty”. Just outright

Black People are cowards who’d rather blame others for their problems than stopping to consider the utter destruction they’ve done to themselves. Want to put an end to your cycle of destruction, stop doing drugs, stop killing each other, and put the future of your children above your immediate gratification

You mean to tell me the white dude from Ireland who was on welfare a few years ago and is known for talking a ton of shit said something mildly racist! For SHAME! Someone better go make sure he feels bad about his white Privilege!

That is a great question, how do you restore hope to the hopeless? I certainly don’t think you restore hope by creating an us against them mentality (that goes both ways). It’s our community that is suffering and we as Americans need to find a way to lift up all levels. Listening to stories and acknowledging that

I just wish whites would stop caring about black fragility and start speaking facts to you all. Because white people are not the reason why black kids aren’t graduating high school, why black kids are shooting each other at rates significantly higher than white kids, why 13% of the population is responsible for 50%

Naivety in its worst form. You are even allowed to think that because of the freedom and liberty Western culture has given to you. But somehow you and the rest of your Leftists failures do not understand that other cultures do not agree with your anarchist view. Crying out “can’t we all just get along” and sobbing

Who cares if we beat Russia but lose our national identity in the process? The liberal left would have the world believe the only answer to every problem is to remove all borders and become a one universal people. Any suggestion that one would want to protect what they already have gets condemned as Xenophobic and

Hahahahaha Fuck you.

Yes. If the Radical Republicans would have been allowed to do the reconstruction of the south correctly, we would be in a much better position than we are now. But damned if those Democrats didn’t fuck it all up. Sounds familiar.

I had a friend who was a little weird. He was the kind of guy who was really into porn and always talked about all the strange stuff he did with his girlfriend. He was trying to “make it” in Hollywood but also told us he was working as a male stripper to help pay the bills. Multiple times a week he’d leave late at

Is tonight the night Trump stands up there and just says “You’ve been PUNKED! haha mother fuckers!”?

Sorry, but I don’t know how Brad Pitt dumped Nicole Aniston for fucking Skelator Jolie.

Where did it ever say it was for one game? Helton said the player won’t be allowed to go to the Alabama Game. He didn’t say he would be back the next game.

I love that movie! Downloaded it and watched it about a year ago. Still holds up.

You are right, that dress was awesome. I’m guessing we see a shit load of people wearing it at comic con!

It’s not as if she is the first candidate to have an article written about why they are unlikable. Mitt Romney had multiple articles written about how he was as likeable as a robot, because he was essentially a robot. I think what this author is trying to say is candidates need to be able to connect with voters on


I wonder how long it is going to take the USA to undo all the damage this president’s “stepping away” has done.