Well Shit. There goes my favorite site on the internet: Foxtrotalpha.
Well Shit. There goes my favorite site on the internet: Foxtrotalpha.
The only solution to these threats is distributed infrastructure. One large Power Factory is a major target. Thousands of small isolated power generators (i.e. solar panels on your house) are not nearly as vulnerable.
It happened when he was 19. He has already paid for it a few times. Why is this a big deal. No one else here did stupid shit when they were 19?
What is stopping this basic methodology to be taken to the extreme? Send a super stealthy scout deep into enemy territory to find and mark targets. Have a larger ship with a great radar and IRST capabilities and a huge stock of missiles just sit back and lob missiles at enemy ships? I realize I’m overstating the…
I’ve explained this to my friends over and over. A Song of Ice and Fire is George RR Martin’s lesson to all of us in the futility of hope. The bad guys win the good guys die and the books will never be finished. Hope all you want, but it will be futile!
oh. shit.
One of the best things I have ever witnessed was a Subaru owner burning out at a stop light, losing it, and blowing out all 4 tires when he went flying over the center divider. It was AWESOME.
I have to ask why were the police involved in the first place? What is wrong with the school’s disciplinary process that an officer had to be called? Is this a common occurrence for just this school or for schools throughout the nation? Are police called out to schools on a daily basis?
That video is pretty awesome.
After watching that... probably “working on something” in the tool shed.
Happens to the Russians too:
I stole the following from F-16.net. It brings up good points”
Tyler, Any thoughts on this new engine by ge? http://breakingdefense.com/2015/06/ge-set…
It all comes down to the WW2 Battle of Bataan. When the Navy abandons the Marines which leads to no air support, 80,000 POWs (60k Filipino and 20k USA) and many horrific deaths at the hands of the Japanese it tends to leave a lasting impression.
I really hope so and hell yes.
Is there a good article that shows the pros/cons of the Rafale vs other gen 4.5 and gen 5 fighters?
USS Roosevelt going through the Suez Canal. Pretty crazy.
Well that’s pretty much the explanation I was looking for. Thanks.
I realize this is off topic, but I have a question about Navy ships. There is a big push to make each ship more lethal and one way they are doing it is by re allocating spots in the Vertical Launch Tubes. What I don’t understand is why the US ships don’t add more missile tubes to their decks like the Russian navy…
In light of your recent article about advanced IRST systems being the future of air combat, I find the idea of the F-35b's exhaust being able to torch through the deck very concerning. How can it be considered Stealthy in the IRST age?