I always thought Duckie was kind of creepy...
I always thought Duckie was kind of creepy...
That is really terrifying. Was he at least arrested for arson?
Awesome! I'll have to see it when/if it comes to the U.S.. Hot Fuzz is my favorite too.
So... how was the movie? Was it as good as their other ones?
Yeah, it's the first thing I think of when I see articles about Nazi "pop-culture" in various Asian countries. The Japanese occupation is still fresh and traumatic in their minds, why wouldn't they recognize that it's the same for westerners when it comes to Nazi stuff. I know a lot of westerners don't know as much…
Japan occupied Indonesia during WWII, so he should consider how he'd react to a themed restaurant based on that.
Same here... I actually don't mind helping out close friends or family... but when they want me to do a bunch of research or write an essay for them it gets annoying. And paranormal erotica, nice! I'm trying to get into that genre, it's way out of my comfort zone though.
Yeah.. he's probably one of those people who have no talent but think they're the next Picasso.
Same with me. I saw the movie and liked it well enough so I considered the books until I read summaries for them. The scandalousness of it didn't appeal to me because I had plenty of my mom's trashy romance novels and "true story" magazines to fill that need.
Since she was nominated, what are her chances of actually getting it? Are they good? Or will the conservatives be able to somehow block her?
People think those are things that anyone can do so artists/writers/etc. should be flattered just to be asked.
Japanese comfort women were paid, the ones from Korea and China were slaves.
I don't like the coma theory. I prefer the theory that when Ash saw Ho-oh he was granted eternal happiness, which to him would be a never ending Pokémon journey.
"During World War II, the Japanese military created prostitution corps..." You're treating the subject too lightly. The non-Japanese comfort women weren't prostitutes, they were women who were tricked or forced into sex slavery.
This was the biggest problem I had with the series, it just ruined everything for me. Asami is my favorite character in the series, she's so nice, intelligent and capable. And then her boyfriend and friend (who is supposed to be a hero) stab her in the back like it's no big deal. The only upside in that situation is…
Lol that was actually my first thought too. A CSI type crime with someone sneaking in a real gun or one of those 3D printed ones and using it to take revenge on one of the zombie actors.
I'm sure they will though, and for good reason:http://creepywhiteguys.tumblr.com/
Star Ocean 2 is one of my favorite rpgs of all time, you should give it a try if you get the chance. It has a pretty good story and lots of small details that are a lot of fun. You can cook to discover the favorite food of your characters (which restores tons of hp), you can have them write novels to earn extra money,…
That's so messed up. I guess the rich really can do whatever they want.
Thank you for giving me such a beautiful ray of hope!