
You know, in an article that is literally about a woman being shot dead by a stranger for nothing more than declining his unwanted sexual attentions, complaining about how you don’t like it when someone gives you dirty looks might be a little insensitive.

When my boys were younger I had an opportunity to teach them how to make themselves as non-threatening as possible when passing a woman in an enclosed space (a narrow path, happily for the woman in the middle of the day) and to tell them why. They were still too young to get it, I think, but I have noted as they have

This is going to come off extremely aggressive and I genuinely do not mean it to be but you have to understand: Your intentions do not matter in that situation, her terror is a learned an valid response as it was not about who you were or what your intentions actually were, it was about what they could potentially be.

I get that you don’t like feelig as if women are afraid of you—that’s good, even! But with all due respect, I’d have been keeping half an eye on you as well. Yes, living in fear is pointless and bad, etc., but situational awareness is an important key to keeping yourself out of the “abducted, raped, and/or stored in

There is a security guard at my building who I suspected might like me because I would catch him staring at me every day I left the building. I just tried to smile and say goodbye as I do with every employee I encounter on the way out, all the while hoping that it was just in my head. I would also run after work

I basically looked for a group that had some cool looking girls and a handful of dudes. I went up to the girls and said, “Look, hi, I’m Karyn, and I don’t mean to horn in on your party, but these guys over there will not go away, and—” and that was as far as I got before the girls were like, “HEY, KARYN, GOOD TO SEE

You should have adjusted your pace so you were pulling ahead or allowing her to. Women know not to speed up or give any kind of response because it triggers the chase instinct. I am surprised that she didn't duck into a store for a minute to shake you, though.

I don’t know if it’s because they thought they were being charming or what, but it’s not cute to take something out of a girl’s hands to get her to pay attention to you. It’s annoying at best. Like I said to someone else, it’s almost worse for me than just touching me, because my writing is so personal and because it

I’m sure you’re not, but it has to do with visibility; this problem nipped itself in the bud when I turned 35 :) Getting cat-called is thrilling for exactly one second, then you realize they’re not flattering you; they’re acting like you and the public space belong to them. It’s very discombobulating/threatening.

Something like this happened to me. I was taking the bus to work, and it was me, the driver, and one guy. The guy sat right next to me. He started talking to me, told me he was new to the area, had just moved from Africa to the city we lived in, and was asking all these questions. Because, at the time, I was a shy,

:( I feel you. That is such a terrible feeling. My hobby is skydiving, and that community is very male-dominant. Often in a bad way, with a lot of drinking and drug use, it makes guys feel very “brave” and they will ask to see you flash by the fire, a lot of public nudity, be very aggressive and not take no for an

I met a guy online and agreed to go out with him recently but I really don’t want to anymore because he’s pinging my distrust something fierce. He didn’t like that I wouldn’t give him on demand pictures and he suggested that after grabbing a drink for our first date we take a walk in a park (or similar.) I noped outta

And if you see the guy, let your friends know. My friends and I have acted as physical shields for each other on many occasions, literally standing between a creep and someone in our group.

That’s a good idea! Unfortunately, the host was a friend of a friend, but if my group plans on going to her place again I might try to sneakily figure out if he’ll be there.

What a fucking controlling piece of shit - I hope his dick rots painfully and falls off. Men have NO clue. None.

I caught myself telling my boyfriend that I was “lucky” to go through 4 years of university without being sexually assaulted.

I recall telling a male friend once that every woman in my life has been attacked, raped, or physically abused at some point in their life, and that I felt lucky that the worst that has ever happened to me was being stalked and harassed on the street. He was horrified both by what I said about the women in my life and

As street harassment awareness has become more common, my husband (also a feminist) and I have talked about it a lot and in so doing I’ve shared a whole bunch of stories. He is horrified by them and asks “Wait, this happened when I knew you? Why did you never tell me about this?” I was like “This is just normal; more

Definitely. I sometimes think about any large group of people, like lower level college classes of 100-200 people (and sometimes more). It’s a given that most of the women in the room, if not all, have experienced some form of unwanted advances or outright harassment. A significant number have experienced sexual

“why not be honest and just tell them you’re not interested??”