
I only watched the show a few times with my mom who was addicted to it. But it seemed like ever episode I saw had them painting in a color the home owner specifically asked them not to. It made me dislike the show so much.

Lol that is terrible and hilarious at the same time. Poor lady probably still hasn't lived it down.

I get the feeling this is more about him showing he still has power over her even if she is world famous.

How'd Jem die? I'm not sure I'll be able to read it either, already sounds depressing.

I've been binge watching that show on Hulu and just saw that episode lol

First Gentleman. They say it before every show, "Ladies and Gentlemen..." Lady goes with Gentleman.

Married with Children did my favorite version of that. After seeing how happy and better off his family is without him, Al decides to live to get back at them for having a happy life without him.

That book is an actual heartbreaker, it makes even adults cry.

That is just messed up.

Hopefully after he's tortured and begging for death.

I'd be too terrified of jabbing them in the eye.

Wow that's creepy and desperate.

You should have put a lump of coal in the box and given her the tracking number for that.

I hope the cops are investigating the ones who threatened them on the phone. They seem the most likely to be the culprit or at least have knowledge of the swat attack.

Do you like fantasy much? The Noble Dead series is extremely good, the last one came out this month. Link to the first one if you're interested…

Do you like fantasy much? The Noble Dead series is extremely good, the last one came out this month. Link to the

I couldn't tell if she was about to cry or if she was smiling. I like the idea that she was smiling though, she seems like the type of person who would view the situation as "I helped him escape, I did the right thing," rather than "He abandoned me! That coward!"

That's what I got from it too.

I was thinking maybe Carol and Daryl were watching the place when Beth and Noah made their escape. They managed to grab Noah and get the story out of him, then they decided Carol would infiltrate the place while Daryl and Noah went for reinforcements.

I would have said men if I'd meant them alone. Something wrong friend? Some kind of chip stuck on your shoulder?

That's a really good point. Her biggest crime is being snooty and everyone despises her. But there are others in Hollywood who have physically hurt people and they're still loved and defended. Pretty disturbing.