
To the anti-choice crowd, they're not women they're just sluts.

Do you really think that's true? I don't want to get my hopes up too far.

They don't? How come? Sorry if a joke went over my head, I'm assuming you're serious though.

Haha that episode is what made me decide to look for Twin Peaks on Netflix.

From what I've heard she's the type of mother who thinks her baby can do no wrong.

Yeah I was pretty creeped out when I first read the description for Yamask. What makes it all worse is that they actually remember being human.

Whoa I didn't even notice it was Carly.

What kind of dialogue happened with the white collar guy? We fell for the other guy's fake empathy and saved him... at the camp in the end it implied he turned out to be worse than we thought.

The way they make it sound, it's technically one episode but you see it from 5 different perspectives.

Well not exactly... her courage seems to have really riled up everyone. Even if the bill is passed, someone else may take up the cause and try to block the bill by tying it up in the court system.

I wondered what she did about the no bathroom breaks. I thought a catheter might be more painful... but depends would be much more gross.

I'm not really familiar with the specifics... but I read earlier today that there can't be more than one filibuster on the same bill. There was also something about this special session could last for 30 days. If that's true I don't think anyone would be able to successfully filibuster :(

Those are really flashy though, obviously designed to be talked about.

Think of it as she ran the majority of the race but the crowd carried her on their shoulders for the final stretch.

I think most people here understand that and have sided against her. You should go tell that to the people on the foodnetwork facebook page... every other post is about how wrong it is for her to be in trouble for "saying a word like 40 years ago".

The only reason I clicked on this article was to see if there was info for 400 days. Can't wait to see where the story goes, hope there are lots of scares and horrifying moments like before.

That's really horrifying.

I can barely draw stick people : / I hoping with practice I can gain a little skill though.

Oh wow, I had completely forgotten about Mario Paint. I used to love that game! My brother and I would spend hours trying to make Mario game scenes.

That's good to hear! The last few weeks I've been wanting to take up drawing as a hobby. Today was the first time I heard of the Art Academy game, if it really is a good teaching aide then I definitely have to get it.