Despite the overwhelming narrative, Trump voters skewed rich, not poor. And the biggest demographic that voted for him wasn’t poor people or people in stagnating areas, it was white people.
Despite the overwhelming narrative, Trump voters skewed rich, not poor. And the biggest demographic that voted for him wasn’t poor people or people in stagnating areas, it was white people.
With the KKK coming out in support of Trump, I think the nuance is not “Are Trump supports all white supremacists” that at the end of the day, even those who are not still voted *with* white supremacists.
And if they truly want to keep their claims to being against white supremacists, at the end of the day they will…
You register to vote. Then you show up on the day at the appropriate polling location, you say “hi, I’m so and so,” they look to see if you’re on their list, and then they let you vote. The idea that there is any meaningful practice of people showing up at a polling place and falsely assuming the identity of a person…
They are not all white supremacists, but they are perfectly fine with voting for someone who is racist and was actively courting white supremacists for their votes which makes them slightly less bad.
Because it suppresses the minority vote, in that minorities are statistically less likely to possess the kind of photo IDs required. For instance, if you live in an urban area or are too poor to afford a car, you likely don’t have a driver’s license.
In person voter fraud is also exceedingly rare. Think about how…
You provide your ID or proof of residency when you register. Then when you get to the polls you just give them your name and sign a piece of paper and they hand you your ballot. The voter ID is an additional, intrusive step into the process, making it harder to vote when we should be making it easier.
In the end, the warnings got the story all backwards. Beware, the political analysts said—Donald Trump may be an…
First of all, shut the fuck up, James Taranto.
It’s real bitch and a half. I flat out tell people to get a passport just to cover their ID needs. Yeah it cost more and take a long time to arrive, but you don’t need a bunch of documentation to apply and it last ten years.
No offense, but did you watch the video?
Well, the video explains why, but also there are states that accept hunting/fishing licenses or gun licenses, but don’t accept student IDs. It’s obvious they are trying to swing the vote a certain way. And in the video, you see Republicans admitting that they have those laws to swing the vote towards them.
If it was as simple as you assume it is to get an ID in the US, Republicans wouldn’t be rushing to pass voter ID laws. It is about, and only about, making it as hard as possible for people who tend to vote for Democrats to vote.
Funny thing is these laws were imposed on us by the allied forces after WW2 and we just adopted them. ;P
Yes, it is hard to get photo ID in the US, by design. As a European, you might have trouble catching it, but American society is deliberately though inadmissibly structured such that non-white populations are excluded from public and political discourse. For affluent whites, getting a photo ID is a matter of course…
They don't have those helpful things in the us. Instead they make it as difficult as possible.
If it were easy, the Republicans wouldn’t be bothering with these laws, since it wouldn’t help them throw elections.
Most documentation relies on four things: if you drive, if you have documents issued at birth, if you have a permanent address and you receive bills at in your name, or if you can afford the $80 bucks and six month wait to get a passport. Those are things that elderly people and students/young people are just less…
As an American woman who has married twice and taken my husband’s surname each time, I can assure you that these laws make registering to vote not just inordinately and insanely difficult for significant subsets of the populace, but expensive as well.
You know what you need to vote in Canada? a prescription slip and a cable bill. Validating identity does not need to be a complicated process.