
Me too! Same time! It was in the wake of Tom Cruise’s divorce, I believe. Rabbit hole indeed!
I haven’t had much time to keep up with it lately.

I see we’ve been reading the same websites! :)
Nice summary of the CoS situation.

I also got chicken pox bad at 15. Didn’t hit my throat, but got my ladybits.

I love mustard-based barbeque!

Ron Swanson would put bacon on top.

Have you tried cooking it with bacon on top?
It tastes divine.
Then you serve it with ketchup.

The little jewelry store on Main Street went out of business since the owners retired.
And they moved Pickens High School.
Very exciting.

You're assuming I have an idea where in creation "Upper Darby" is. :)
Should I associate the name with a particular state?

My grandparents (both 91!) live near Greenville, in a tiny little hamlet called Pickens (county seat of Pickens County! woo! One-horse town). I'm a city mouse, so it's a little soupcon of culture shock whenever I go to visit. :)
It's basically a flyspeck.
I love that there's a town to the north of them called

I've always seen "Scotch and soda" made with Coke. Sometimes (blech) Diet Coke. Never cared for it myself. If I want Scotch, I'll have it neat or on the rocks, preferably well-aged and single-malt. Why would you ruin good Scotch by adding seltzer to it?

I like seltzer by itself.

Well, I'll be.

Well, you are entitled to your opinion, sir/madam. I just happen to like it.

People order grape fanta?

You are not only wrong, you are fractally wrong, and I am sorry for you in your wrongness.

...But Scotch and soda has always contained Coke!
Every one I've ever seen.
And I'm from the soda-using-area of the country.

Pop is only for the losers in the flyover states.

SC mustard-based BBQ sauce is pretty damn good.

I like the beachy part and Aiken isn't bad. There isn't much to Columbia, though. It's kind of a blip.
Source: tons of family in SC.


The Fug Ladies just call her SWINTON. It is a title, nay, a designation of honor: SWINTON. She is so over-the-top she gets an all-cap designation.
We should all be so lucky.