
Who are we to let his victims be shamed into silence for decades? Who are we to let this man rape and abuse for decades and get away with it?
This calls for justice indeed.

FWIW, I still posthumously revile Michael Jackson.

DO IT!!!

"This isn't anything to do with male privilege, it's just a bunch of women being catty."

Wow. Way to prove the point.

That's all really sad. I'm glad you survived.

I feel your pain, sister.

I, for one, demand proof.

You know, for science.


I would believe that of Juana la Loca. She was called "la Loca" for a reason.

Do! It's great.

I love Lush too! Everything in there smells so good!

I've known a few real-life Umbridges in my day. I recognized her type. Umbridge is her type writ large. I was dissapointed that her character wasn't killed by a lightning strike or falling rocks or something.

Cue the "shut up and take my money!" gif.

I read the crap out of the Silmarillion. Trying to collect the other backstory books now, too.

I am LOVING your Clue reference! :)

Syphilis actually came from the New World—it was the New World's gift to the invaders. (And it was much, much worse when it first appeared. Much more virulent.)

"Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes..."

I had a distant ancestor in the 17th century from the French colony of Dominica who was Jewish. I'm not Jewish. I had a Jewish ancestor a long time ago.

I am 0% Native American. No blood quantum here. But I support Native issues, because it's the right thing to do.

I've been a fan of [Washington NFL Team] my whole life, and the offensive name needs to go. I will not call it that name, I will not watch their games, I will not buy their crap.

Also, L'il Danny Snyder needs to go, but it's hard to fire an owner.