
Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.

There’s one for everything.

“perhaps he was in an empty hangar when stealth technology was explained to him and just assumed the planes were also in the room.”

Wait, I think I got it, guys. He’s calling wresting fake.

and whats up with innings...we should call them outings that is so much more fun

And Jones actually took a knee.

I never understood shaming at the gym. Isn’t that where we are SUPPOSED to go to get the fitness we need??

What about dad-anger? Does it offer any relief from dad-anger? Because if I step on one more fucking Lego, I swear to God I’m going to burst into flames.

I am in the military. Trained soldiers have a tough enough time mastering the use of this equipment. There is no need for the police to have this stuff, cops aren’t supposed to be soldiers.

Sometimes it feels like the Patriots just can’t catch a break ya know?

“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”

I’ve never ridden a subway in NYC, so I don’t know how common this is. But putting your bare feet on one of those seats has to be gross right? Seems gross.

And congrats to all the Cubs fans for getting another moment to pat themselves on the back for feeling bad about how they ruined this guys fucking life all those years ago. It’s ok now, he’s got jewelry.

when they announced his name, i spent 2 whole days beign unable to fully concentrate because i kept writing bohemian rhapsody parody lyrics in my head. never fully coalesced in a full parody but some good limes were “scaramucci, scaramucci, can you do the trumps scandal” and “nothing really matters, anyone can see,

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.

A question from a Canadian. From most things I hear, even American’s who identify as Democrats, or left leaning in their politics are against public health care. Why? Is it taxes? Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high. It just

I’d argue that the difference is that Diet Coke tastes like liquefied dog shit and Coke Zero tastes pretty close to regular Coke.

I’d argue that the difference is that Diet Coke tastes like liquefied dog shit and Coke Zero tastes pretty close to

The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.