This comment’s going to forever be in the grays but I don’t care. Gotta say it...
Legend of Dragoon or GTFO.
I read this entire thing and didn't laugh once. Too real.
We all made our own characters and set a rule that if you wanted a specific move you had to prove you could do it IRL.
I live in South Dakota as well and I agree with everything you said. I travel around the state for work (mostly the eastern side) and meet so many kind and generous people every day. And then this happens and most of those people won’t even understand what’s wrong with it. This incident is both unsurprising and…
And you shut it down and walk away, leaving carnage in your wake. This was a master class in trolling. Good for you.
I’ll be honest, the vaguely offensive shot here is a little over the top. But whatevs; at this point you’re trolling with house money. You do you.
Ah, the moment when you acknowledge the other troll just to incense people more. Just as it was dying down, you toss another greasy rag on the fire.
The shrug. Classic. Perfect placement, as well. Really just exceptional troll work here.
While you just sit at the periphery, lobbing in the occasional comment to keep people angry...
Boom. Right hook. Now you just sit back while the people flock in like cats to catnip, eager to argue with you...
Kudos to you, sir. Best troll job I’ve seen this week. This wasn’t the post that did it, though. This was the setup (and a good one it was). It was reasoned and articulate, just enough to get one good response from someone annoyed at your question. Then...
“had a great time”? “have the clap now”? “hardly got seated before being mauled by moblins”?
I am waiting with bated breath for the rest of this story.
I wish someone would ask him about King T’challa of Wakanda just to see him gush over what a great leader he is. “Very strong. A great ally.”
You won this thread and nobody is recognizing it. Sad!
Right? Cause a scant few weeks ago there was no way Clinton lost because of campaign miscues/perceived character issues/demographic ignorance. No no, she did everything right. It was because some people voted for a guy who they thought was a better choice. It was because he decided to run at all, which is what this…
Saturday, October 13, 2001. The witching hour. A nervous and sweaty Bill Belichick shuffles cautiously into the intersection between two dirt roads in rural Massachusetts. In his hand is a small tin box containing a lock of his hair, a chicken foot, the bone from a cat’s paw and a sachel of herbs. On the inside lid of…
Yeah, but have you seen her garden? Huge.
Sorry to hear about the money you lost betting on Carolina. Maybe next year!