
I love this.

That's exactly what I thought right before I clicked to view your comment!

I'm aware that he's a baseball player because of the scene in Liar, Liar where Jim Carrey is being dragged out of the courtroom yelling, "I'm Jose Canseco! I'm Jose Canseco!"

I need a good statement to show that I support equal rights. I have to mention gays, and what's the opposite? Is there a word that means the opposite of gay? I feel like it's right on the tip of my tongue...

Haha! Me too. It's like he was sitting there thinking, "What's a word that means the opposite of gay? I feel like it's right on the tip of my tongue...nah, must just be 'ungay'"

Even the argument of "What if (famous person with notable contribution) had been aborted?" is a crock. It doesn't matter, we would never know the difference! Go parallel universe hopping if you're so dead set on finding out!

Kind of my reaction. I think the end of the title of this post should be"...but was it worth it?"

Right? I'm torn; is it worth losing the publishing industry if everything 50 Shades went with it?

The smell of that stuff whips me back to the 90s instantly.

The "what if you had been aborted?" argument is so ridiculous. Ugh.

You ladies are stronger than me. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. Thank you for sharing though, I hope it reaches enough people to make a difference.

Right? You see henna booths at ren faires and carnivals, but if you don't know much about it you would be unaware of the differences and the additives.

Oh my gawd! I've only ever done the vaguest research on henna while looking for good powder and I though anyone who's ever looked it up knows about PPD. How ridiculous! I hope you found a new stylist!

I think there aren't enough hours in the day to 'have it all' if one is buying into what that's supposed to be. Each person just needs to define what they want and not let someone else dictate it for them. For me, it's a family. Right now I want to, and am able to, be with my small children most of the time. When they



I have those can't scream dreams too! Awful. Or if I'm trying to run for my life or to save someone, it feels like I'm running in waist deep water and I never make it. Ugh.

No, no! Just because sympathy is being expressed doesn't mean you shouldn't have said it. It's absolutely worth saying, however it comes out.

Haha! I'm over here in your corner, for sure.

Okay, I hope this isn't totally weird. I haven't seen any comments from you yet today, are you having your baby?!