Alf, in pog form

Hey Graverobber, this was the largest auto I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun, huh?

@BN.: Thanks for the offer, but we've already got the Australian Thales Bushmaster in service - V shaped hull and probably a bit more maneuverable in combat than that Cougar behemoth.

Every major city has it dark warrior.

OK, someone had to do it....

@skitter: You left the "h" out of pony.

With 90 miles per hour printed on the gauge face, two thirds of that speedometer could be considered to be New Old Stock.

@Alfisted: Yeah, I s'pose you could catch a death of a cold down there...

Actually, this is just about the weirdest thing I've ever heard. I mean, why on earth would anyone want to get buried wearing their hat???

The light Lonnie, drive towards the light!

That guy crouching down looks really quite proud of his little lichen-colored squinty eyed bucktoothed toupée-totin' spats-wearing buddy.

No need to worry, it will still fit.

This is the very car that smashed the world record in the 100 metre barf.

Attention Porsche General Manager: you might want to check the office of your chief designer......I believe he died at his desk over 30 years ago.

Hydrogen - those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Oh the Jalopmanity.....

New Fluidic Sculptured Hyundai: for the dolphin hunter on the go!