Alf, in pog form

No G8's for America makes Uncle Sammy cry.

I must admit that before I saw this video I had a rather simplistic notion of how they worked.

Belly tank @ $500k = Belly Laugh

Ok, that seals it. I'm trading up.

"She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene"

Danee-ca! Hay lapa no ya, Danee-ca!

'Scuse me for a little while - just ducking outside now to find a very sharp stick for which to poke out my minds eye....

Hey, wasn't this car sent to the crusher three days ago???

Don't forget Mr.Spikey from The Cars that Ate Paris.

With the price for recycled aluminium, this should double the trade-in value of a used Cruiser.

Believe me, it either them or us. Take the opportunity now while the US government is being generous!

@EMPM, Esq.: I think you're thinking of "Ghandinator 3: Rise of the Passively Resisting Machines".