Alf, in pog form

"OnStar does not listen to or monitor conversations in your car without notice to you"

@Ash78:Of course. It's a perfectly cromulent thing to do!

@nick2ny: No, that's how it's spelt in the Unted States of Amerca.

Oh no, this reminds me of a film I once saw. It was about a terminating cyborg that was programmed to terminate humans by violent means of termination but was then reprogrammed to protect humans from termination by in turn terminating the other termination cyborgs that were sent to terminate humans.




Rack Pipe.

@Novaload Misses Murilee: There's nothing more dangerous than a whale car that's running on worn blubber - hitting a wet road could krill you.

@diskreet: You could probably sneak it home by using back roads - just stay as close to the sea as you possibly can to minimize suspicion.

Buy the whale car at your own peril. The highway is a harsh mistress.


When a blog site reaches the point where it starts printing articles completely unrelated to the topic of it's original premise, it is said to have "Published The Shark"

This is Australia's only jet and we're very proud of it. Now could somebody just tell us how to fly the bloody thing?!?

The selection of the blue color-coded wheels is the automotive restoration equivalent of Fonzie's decision to strap on water ski's.

@Lower Manhattan: so things are pretty quiet at the moment for Earl Hickey down in Camden County huh?

Porche 911 - frightened to be different since 1963.

@smalleyxb122: 'cept maybe the cop from The Village People......