Alf, in pog form

@Engineerman: There's almost a meme in this one, something along the lines of "Yo Dawg, we heard you liked to drive pantless, so we took off your trousers so you can do skidmarks while you do skidmarks".

As well as drunk driving, he was also cited for leaving skidmarks while exiting the vehicle.

Kill it. Kill it with termites!

A simple mathmatical rule applies here:

This is a beautiful and exotic looking super car. Looking forward to next weeks Jalop story that shows it burning on the side of a highway.

If the Universe ever decides to pop a wheelie, it will use this machine as a diff center.

@layabout returns: I've got to go to the bathroom now. I'll be back shortly.

@Karsten Von Urea for All Sales Event: The beach-goers are totally unaware that they are about to be slaughtered by a rampaging hoard of horseback mounted gorilla's. The Astronaut is actualy Cornelius, already plotting his Escape from the Planet of the Apes.

Painted in camouflage, this would make an ideal tour vehicle for the National Opossum Wildlife Refuge.

Grande pipe de fente .

Ugly little brute, perhaps it can be trained to dig a small hole and then bury itself.

In my car I use the stickiness of previous spills to hold my cup upright.

Should the Banana Splits ever declare war on us then this vehicle will offer the best zany defence.

@More Ron: It's the very first Stig of course.

@f86sabre: The Brits only just heard about it.

@Quattro-luvr is the Stig too: Barfing at 5 G would result in a compacted oesophageal shaped barf biscuit in the back of the throat that could only be dislodged by a coroner with pneumatic rock-chisel.

@GtAkReYz: Opposing wipers - interesting! On a wet day the poor little thing would look like it's trying to fly.