Ewwww.....it looks like the horse that's been pulling this thing for the last 30 years has also kicked the living crap out of it. Crack Pipe
Ewwww.....it looks like the horse that's been pulling this thing for the last 30 years has also kicked the living crap out of it. Crack Pipe
That was beautiful - like watching the precision of the Bejing Olympics opening ceremony all over again.
A little bit Family Truckster, a little bit AĆ©rospatiale Concorde. This is a nice price.
"My dad's a prick for putting this up here outa reach."
@superveloce: I said "made", not "makes". Duh!
I thought Sweden was the only country that made cars that look like bricks.
@muhnkee_2 - jaloping from sunny sao paulo: As a bonafide ridgy-didge true-dinks fair dinkum Aussie (and Falcon Ute owner to boot), I shrewdly testify that it certainly ain't no Ute.
@bdon: Well I reckon.....wait, what did you say????
Looks like it's running rich.
I haz krack pipe
I was wondering what job Daniel Jackson took after leaving Stargate Command.
Ever been in one of these things taking a dump when your smart arse buddies decide to push it over on it's side with you in it?
@85_GN - You Cant Decieve Me Asshole, I Know!: Yes, you are right, one day cats WILL rule us all.
Nice price. The body has some nice lines, though a little gappy around the wheel arches - needs dropping 2 or more inches.
Forget towing a Hilux; I want to know how many R/C cars will tow me throught the streets on my office chair!! mush, mush
Nice price! This is the model that came out with a crack pipe holder as standard equipment.
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