Alf, in pog form

He just wasn't going fast enough, that's all.

Oooh, Fat bottomed cars

No list would be complete without this Australian classic:

I used to love my copy of "The Car Over the Lake Album",....right up to the moment it became "The CD Stolen From the Open Window of My Unattended Car Album".

Have the police dusted the car for hoof prints?

It's dropped back down to $100,000. And yes, still crackpipe.

3.5 million is a bit rich. Think of how many starving african children that sort of cash would buy cars for.

It's Fuehrer-ific!

@Jimal: Yep, I'm pog form!

@damnelantra™: Mental note to myself - stop using faeces and switch to urine.......

Does the vampire repellent work????

And here's the story as listed in Australian papers:

There is a kind of irony in this in that if you want to buy an old El Camino here in Australia, you have to pay almost the same price as you would for a brand new Holden or Ford ute.

@jduffy13: Or when the driver gets his hand caught in the steering wheel and it rips his bloody arm off!

Far too easy; give me a call when they release the high speed Blues Brothers version...

Stealing Baby Jesus makes Baby Jesus cry.

Proudly born and bred in the Hoon Capital of Australia (Bendigo, Victoria)

It would look nicer if it had a Subaru front end on it.