It looks like the result of some kind of hideous Star Trek transporter beam accident.
It looks like the result of some kind of hideous Star Trek transporter beam accident.
Use a double adapter lead and steal electricity from a parked car maybe?
@Van Sarockin: The point is that sticking parts of your body outside the cabin of the car is dangerous and against the law. Laws are there to protect us from ourselves. Taping the kid to the roof is keeping within the framework of the law because technically no part of either participants body is protruding from the…
@Van Sarockin: Yeah, but if the kid hits a low hanging tree branch or something even harder then your hand is probably gonna get pretty hurt as a result. Everyone knows you are asking for trouble if you stick parts of your body outside the windows.
Holding onto her leg while driving is not very safe though; would have been much safer if she had used duct tape.
I regularly use the same method as the picture above so I can easily find my car in crowded car parks.
@mariospants: Mad Max drove a Ford Falcon XB Hardtop .
I believe that when they release the Camaro here in Oz it will feature much bigger koala intakes.
The Koala probably didn't have a "placid, relaxed nature" before being hit by the car. That's just an after effect of having a crushed frontal lobe.
He also has a cushy lifestyle that runs entirely on the sweat of the English taxpayer.
Is this stuff being poured from the bucket, or is it actually crawling up into the bucket??
@BLS: It's just you.
I'd like to take this out on to the highway for a three hour tour, a three hour tour.
Is that a pee stain on the front of Jeeves' pants?
@Blokey: Posted that twice....I'm a bit of a dill!
@turbo zero: Pickle me Grandmother mate....someone should blow Kingswood Country up!!!
@turbo zero: Pickle me grandmother, mate....someone should blow Kingswood Country up!
@lascauxcaveman: Strewth cobber, ya reckon I'm offering shonky translation of the Strine lingo. I mean fair suck of the sav, mate....I'm the most fair dinkum ridgey-didge dinki-di truth spruiker this side of The Black Stump. I might tell a few porkie pies every now'n'then, but only 'cos me sense of humour is as about…
@4.9 Port Fuel Injection BZR: As a fitful prize for getting as far as "bloody drongo", I hereby name you as YOTD (Yobbo Of The Day), whereas the term "yobbo" in Aussie speak....means "top bloke" or "great guy".....