Alf, in pog form

The COTD is a dead-set genius mate! If I knew this blokes home addy I'd personally waltz on over to his house and yell "bloody bewdey, mate" at his face and shout 'im a slab of amber fluid and a pork chop. If I'm lucky I might get a look-in for a bit of a yak, and if he's not a wanker who thinks he's bloody-well Lord

It wouldn't look out of place on a Storm Trooper's head.

I, for one, welcome our multi-tracked robotic overlords; like to remind them that as a trusted jalopnik commentator I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground assembly mills!!

I'll wager fifty quatloo's on the newcomer.

How can you tell a female robot from a male one when they both have nuts??

He had tea instead of wine?? That's just plain sick....

New Zealander picks himself up off the floor in a dazed and painful state. He looks behind him and gasps "MY GOD, I don't remember eating THAT!!!"

He may have lost his toilet, but the bright side is that he now has a brand new garage.....

Now the problem with hitting a roo is when you happen to hit one in mid jump. In such a case, the roo clears the front of the car altogether (roo bar included) and can get rammed inside the car via the windscreen. If the kangaroo is still alive after the windscreen impact it naturally becomes quite startled and