
"Moms like to cite themselves when writing about vaccines on the internet."

Rest in peace, B :( I still hold out hope that it will be revived one day. (lolnope)

Listening to the inane chatter of my coworkers that is too loud and pervasive to ignore. We really need to get cubicles or something.

The guy sounds like a dick, but I did keep wondering what her hangover had to do with this story.

Bran is super annoying. Team Jaime.

I started liking Wesley a lot more after he stopped wearing those stupid fucking space sweaters.

You should be a marriage counselor. Your ad can be "Fix your marriage SITUATION" with a picture of you exposing your abs.

Also, consider that you know what white privilege is because you are privileged enough to be educated enough (formally or informally) to know what white privilege is! PLUS if you weren't white/privileged, you wouldn't NEED to be educated about it because it would be obvious to you.


My bf got me hooked - I got a beautiful Tardis-blue 328i convertible, and now he's trying to get a new one in the same color. If he does I'll probably break up with him. IT'S SPECHUL NO ONE CAN HAVE IT.

I probably should have said WILLFULLY unemployed. Shit happens, after all. (Totally with you on the German cars though. I love my BMW like it's a pet.)

Good point - I usually default to the "if a word is questionable, don't use it unless you are one or you're from there" rule. I am the poster child for things white people love, so I defer to the judgement of others on this one.

I like the ones who think that the space under airplane seats is variable. IT FIT LAST TIME!! IT DID!! No, it didn't, you are carrying a suitcase that is literally the size of a milk churn.

If that happened to me I would probably involuntarily hurl the baby off my lap and onto the floor, like when you find a surprise spider on your person.

I HATE HATE HATE people who talk to me on planes. My dad is one of those people who loves hearing everyone's life story. I am not, and it makes me feel like a curmudgeon, but I would rather sleep and read Game of Thrones than hear about your daughter's wedding (unless you're Walder Frey, ba-dum-tschh).

I feel like you can say "the ghetto" when referring to a geographical location stricken by poverty (correct if wrong)? But you can't use it as as an adjective when referring to people, style, or culture. "I grew up in the ghetto" vs "Those shoes are so ghetto."

I rec'd this, then unrec'd it so I could star it twice.

I agree with this to most degrees. I will also throw in the two qualifiers:

I am also a snob, and I will give side-eye to people who are unemployed, unambitious, or live at home for non-justifiable reasons. I admit all this freely.

When I hear stories like this, I'm not so much grossed out by the statutory aspect of it (although, come on guys and gals, it's not like you don't know there's a law), but WHY a 26 year old is okay with dating someone so immature. I know there are exceptions, but I was a wreck at 17 and I'm guessing most people were