I can’t find an empty development lot in the Bay Area for less than $500k much less a full-ass house.
I can’t find an empty development lot in the Bay Area for less than $500k much less a full-ass house.
What can those of us in blue states/districts do? I live in California and luckily I can trust my legislators to do the right thing, so calling them seems pointless. I want to make a difference but I don’t know how when I feel like I’m just preaching to the choir. What else can we do?
I am skinny-fat, eat like a college student, and don’t really exercise, but I would like to start lifting. One of my friends (who let it be said is not qualified to give medical or fitness advice...) claims that because I don’t put on fat-weight, I will probably have a harder time building muscle-weight as well. Is…
This is 100% true. I looked at her and my first thought was, "wow, she must have had a shitty surgeon to end up with that level of scarring etc", and I HATE that that was my thought. I'm in denial that anything can cause a living body (especially, as a woman, my own) to look like that, and I'm glad that she did this.…
God bless you for not telling us to bread them. I moved away from Buffalo a couple years ago and I don't regret any part of that decision except now I can't get any goddamn proper wings anymore.
Hey, just establishing my threshold ;)
Yeah, I'm not sure why the LW can't just say, "Hey, I'm not comfortable hearing people's sex stories," and leave the past-crush out of it altogether.
What are people's current policies on kissing relatives? My family is all mouth-kissers, which really grosses me out and I've gotten good at the avoidant cheek-kiss. Come to think of it, I don't really like being touched by relatives at all, besides (brief) hugs.
+10000. Grandma can ask for a kiss, but then Grandma doesn't get to sulk when she doesn't get one.
I do not like Kaling's work/schtick AT ALL, but that said holy crap she is beautiful. I love her cover so so much.
I know a girl who pronounced melancholy "meh-LAN-chuh-lee".
Her accent was a worse atrocity than the actual game.
So it's not only teaching girls to focus on, and compete for a man, but it's teaching them that you have to do literally no work besides show up and let the world decide for you? Life goals aside, that's not a great relationship model.
I'm vicariously pumped for her, but did anyone else see a large chihuahua hugging Drew? Lady is straight-up trembling.
Rest in peace, B :( I still hold out hope that it will be revived one day. (lolnope)
Listening to the inane chatter of my coworkers that is too loud and pervasive to ignore. We really need to get cubicles or something.
The guy sounds like a dick, but I did keep wondering what her hangover had to do with this story.
You should be a marriage counselor. Your ad can be "Fix your marriage SITUATION" with a picture of you exposing your abs.
Also, consider that you know what white privilege is because you are privileged enough to be educated enough (formally or informally) to know what white privilege is! PLUS if you weren't white/privileged, you wouldn't NEED to be educated about it because it would be obvious to you.