
"I would shiver the whole night through" Kurt Cobain once sang. Whether he indeed shivered the whole night through, slowly bleeding out on the floor of his Seattle area home, or whether the end came more quickly from the gunshot to the head that rang out "in the pines, in the pines" is just one new question being

No. No no no no. I draw the line before getting to smells, WTF.

"and what everything smelled like"

Not when they're expressing frustration by constantly comparing their bodies to hers.

*terrorist person of color fistbump*

That earring is inexcusable.

I would bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. And now, back to my classy, housewifey self.

I'm talking about random people on planes.

Rules for when to say "ghetto"

I think it being illegal in their state takes away the need to do the math. LOL

I'd pick my slacker friends over some snobby cow.

Also, she was probably born in 1996. Just putting that out there so the commentariat can feel the grossness I currently feel answering this question.

Silver Lining Alert!

She was also probably not responsible for the Atlanta Olympic bombing.

That's not nothing in a relationship, you know.

The absolute BEST thing about the new rule that you can leave your electronic devices on during take off and landing is that it denies talkers a FDA-mandated window in which to catch you. I can leave my headphones in the whole fucking time now, and that is the greatest ever indicator of "I don't want to talk to you".

If you're on a plane, do NOT talk to me. I will shut you the fuck down. I don't want to hear about your family. I don't want to hear about jesus. I don't want to hear about your boring-ass job in Boring Ass, America.

Pixelmator. I signed up for the recent bargain-price for Photoshop CC/Lightroom 5 deal, but I still use Pixelmator for quick fix-ups. The price is right and it's very flexible and talented. Highly recommended.

When I told my partner chances were we could not have kids without help, and I'd decided I did not want to go down that path, I was crying when I said it. I was disappointed and frustrated. He hugged me and said, "Let's get married." I was too upset to answer and said I needed to think about it.

State Police Of Egypt Calls Jalopnik To Identify This Vehicle In Hit And Run Incident