
I often open Giz/Gawker, close it, and then immediately open it again as part of my mindless procrastination cycle. Then I have to reevaluate my life.

You're like the Liam Neeson of the Internet. Hats off, ma'am.

Haha, fair point! Yeesh.

once I dated a guy who thought that a woman getting a UTI was the result of a dude putting his wang in her peehole.

To clarify, I only do this to people who I had one class with three years ago and never talked to since :P not real friends.

No, but I do hate when I unfriend someone and they message me saying "Are we not friends anymore?" Dude, don't make it awkward...

Whenever someone starts complaining about politics (national, office, whatever) and I don't want to talk about it, I just say, "Oh, well, I don't know too much about that." That usually works. Same if they want to trash-talk someone: "Oh, I don't know that person very well, so I don't really have an opinion." Boom.

I visited one of my friends in Singapore a few months ago and we shared her bed. One night I was half asleep (it was probably around 3 in the morning, not sure) and I felt someone poke me in the shoulder, like they were trying to get my attention. I assumed it was my friend trying to wake me up, and I really didn't