Blind Prophet

Yeah, even with all the caveats I could drop about it being a potentially older build it still screams a lack of confidence in the product.

Lots of unfavorable coverage, followed by a delay, followed by more unfavorable coverage, and now “Oh god please talk favorably about our game but absolutely do not let people see our game”.

Its not a lame reason to not play other things. Its a reason why he’s playing this game, and why he keeps coming back to this game.

Fortnite allows Zack to have one game installed. Inside that game, because of its nature, there are tons of different games he can play depending on his mood. If he wants to play a racing game tonight...he can jump into Fortnite and do just that. Wants to play something minecraftish? He can jump into Fortnite and do

Yes, that is true. That is also objectively not anywhere close to machine learning.

It is the same way every artist starts.

Yeah. Why on earth would you pick Captain Boomerang, or King Shark and go ‘you know what would improve this? A gun.

Ok. If you’re having trouble grasping the concept that its possible for other people to have different opinions from you I absolutely can not help you with that.

I’ll never understand the relentless obsession with this particular franchise. It’s the same basic game every time, just usually better than the last.

This shithead has a good case.

This absolute clownfart of a man has a case.

The issue here is largely that Qatar was a ‘perfect storm’ of things that made it unique in its conditions and people are largely ignoring that.

Careful. Might wanna think about that.

Random internet comments sections have little bearing on my life.

First question. Why is the gameplays primary perspective being first-person at all relevant to anything here?

If you choose to team up with Rogue, you miss out on a haunting finale to the Arasaka story.

The full quote and its meaning tend to just be shortened to ‘A Jack of All Trades’. We tend to use it to say it does everything pretty well. Which lines up with the general sentiment of the original quote, but we shortened it to the good part we can drop in to where we like.

No, not even a little bit.


And just for clarity, if that expose comes out, with actual known big wig devs attached explaining the difficulties, I will be happy to be corrected.