Is Israel responsible for protecting them?
Is Israel responsible for protecting them?
The “distractions” argument doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. All the distractions of work - namely other workers and the internet- exist at home as well.
“I thought it would be funny to see her reaction” does not necessarily mean she expected it to upset her, it could also refer to surprise or shock - ie, the whole purpose of such a twist in the story.
And the reaction as described seems far beyond what one might reasonably expect.
You did nothing wrong here.
I don’t know, made perfect sense to me.
It’s amazing how that trailer gave you nothing at all to grasp on to.
For exactly that reason. They’re inane chore list simulators. Lot of em you can toss them into peaceful/semi peaceful and just do something without really needing to focus.
Given just how far out this game is I’m sure a lot of things are on the table.
Yeah, even with all the caveats I could drop about it being a potentially older build it still screams a lack of confidence in the product.
Lots of unfavorable coverage, followed by a delay, followed by more unfavorable coverage, and now “Oh god please talk favorably about our game but absolutely do not let people see our game”.
Its not a lame reason to not play other things. Its a reason why he’s playing this game, and why he keeps coming back to this game.
Fortnite allows Zack to have one game installed. Inside that game, because of its nature, there are tons of different games he can play depending on his mood. If he wants to play a racing game tonight...he can jump into Fortnite and do just that. Wants to play something minecraftish? He can jump into Fortnite and do…
Yes, that is true. That is also objectively not anywhere close to machine learning.
It is the same way every artist starts.
Yeah. Why on earth would you pick Captain Boomerang, or King Shark and go ‘you know what would improve this? A gun.’
Ok. If you’re having trouble grasping the concept that its possible for other people to have different opinions from you I absolutely can not help you with that.
I’ll never understand the relentless obsession with this particular franchise. It’s the same basic game every time, just usually better than the last.
This shithead has a good case.
This absolute clownfart of a man has a case.