
This is like a gritty reboot of Calvin & Hobbes.

Agreed. Between the two of them, I guess I’d pick Abrams over the guy who directed The Book Of Henry.

OK, I’ll go with it. Just please don’t just rehash Return of the Jedi. I went with it for The Force Awakens because it was the first good Star Wars movie in a very long time and he hung some pretty good meat on those recycled bones, but for his next trick, I really want to see something new (or at least, like the

The other 20%? A 50's space diner, for some reason.

yeah, where’s the beef?

I like Force Awakens, but have found since buying it on blu-ray that I tend to stop watching after the Millennium Falcon/Rey Maneuver on Jakku.

His films have lens flares (lots of them), he made a career with this aesthetic choice.... also you’re really complaining about memes?

Hopefully someone can explain to him that when a character is on the surface of a planet, and another planet in a different solar system explodes, it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
I’m sure that some sort of simple astronomical demonstration involving the relative dimensions of the moon and Mars in the night sky


Agreed - JJ makes generically popular TV, but nothing that I think would stand out like other writers/directors.

Looking forward to seeing Kylo Ren throw Snoke down the reactor core of Starkiller Base II while Porgs fight alongside the Resistance against the First Order on the surface of nearby moon.

Return of the just okay. Starkiller Base 2 confirmed as well.

“I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of fans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

Really don’t know what to think. On repeat viewings my rating of TFA has dropped. It’s a good movie that is better than the prequels. I usually fast forward thru the middle of the movie.

Return of the Meh

The long and short of it is that... God hates Florida and Texas.

Oh no, don’t look at my speculation post here then. Except I’ll get into it anyway. Someone said, the ship design is like the flying wing Naboo ship from the beginning of Ep. II.

I truly hope Snoke is an unrelated thing. I don’t need a small star wars universe. Just let him be someone who know one knows anything about and has no baggage. Let him be mysterious with no big secret reveal. “He’s Padme’s son with her first husband, Sio Bibble!!!” would be unnecessary.

Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?