

That episode was so weird and creepy, though. It was still Jack’s mind in there, right? And then they sent him to Middle School at the end and he started hitting on 13 year olds in the final scene.

“roughly 20 percent of seeds from tobacco plants”

I loved Footfall, but it is hard to ignore the sniveling traitorous liberals and media members. Usually I also skip the first 100 pages or so as well - how could the prelude to an alien invasion be so boring?

The complaint isn’t that it’s super-complicated or hard to understand. The complaint is that it’s boring, particularly the various senate scenes. Additionally, the actual details of the manipulation and the Trade Federation’s motives aren’t really well described. Everyone gets that Palpatine is behind it though, and

There’s a split right now between “No Trek is better than bad Trek” and “Any Trek is better than no Trek”. I’m of the former group, because at least I’d have my memories. Both groups don’t seem tolerate the other very well on the internets.

I’m with the author - the worst is a successful but horrible Trek, as it would poison Trek forever. A good Trek killed prematurely is still good Trek.

It’s like someone took the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen and splashed acid in her face. It’s still her, but...

London didn’t reach pre-Blitz population levels again until this year.

Man, fuck Elmo. I hate that dude.

The point is, it wouldn’t even be Avatar we’d be looking at for all time gross with inflation adjusted. It’s quite a ways down the list at 14. Just comparing raw, un-adjusted dollars is never really an accurate way of representing how movies did in comparison to others that came out, say, in 1977 (#2 adjusted)

Obligatory adjust for inflation post.

I agree, and you sort of pity them a little at the end, SPOILERS being an evolutionary dead end destined to usher other races up the evolutionary ladder for the greater galactic community.

Cider is much tangier if non-pasteurized, and has a distinct flavor.

Came here to say this. Boiling kills all the yummy tannins and essentially makes it into apple juice, ruining the cider. For good cider, press and serve. 90% of the cider you buy in the store now is crap because the FDA started enforcing pasteurization of cider back in the late 90s; you need to buy from a cider mill

Agreed, they where shepherds, not killers. Sure you have the right book?

First one I thought of as well, actually. Very bleak movie.

You’re wrong.

Even Dawkins doesn’t claim 100% certainty, nearly no one does. You’re confusing the terms; a Gnostic (or knowing) atheist is someone that claims certainty, and these are uncommon. An Agnostic Atheist is someone that doesn’t believe God claims, but also doesn’t claim 100% certainty. Someone can be both agnostic and