
You’re just ignorant. Do you live in a big city like New York or LA? In Omaha, Nebraska (a great city when it comes to internet and tech, honestly) Verizon is the only carrier with decent reliability and speed.

This is true. They had reason to go with the super realistic approach (though not really good reasons), but by the time Man of Steel hit and they were really wanting to start a DCEU, I think the signs were there that their approach wasn’t going to work.

I would argue that the WB suits saw what happened with Batman Begins (2005) being presented as realistic (for a comic book movie), saw the disappointment that was Superman Returns (2006), and decided the tone that Nolan took was the way for their entire line afterward.

The big problem with the DCEU movies is that apart from Wonder Woman, they seem to be made by and star people who really hate superhero movies, and would rather be doing just about anything else.

I prefer the DC characters, but their film universe is getting absolutely embarrassed. This all has its roots in WB going all in on Zach Snyder, even after Man of Steel only had a lukewarm reaction. I don’t know what they can do now, if anything. Part of me just thinks that WB has already fucked up their shot at doing

$630 million worldwide.

Depending on what flavour of sf you happen to be reading, little ships are too ineffective to be of much use in a universe with big ships that have ‘shields’. BSG had armour.

Try reading the original short story it’s based on, Story of Your Life...damn that’s a moving piece of literature.

You may be nearly alone. I liked Arrival because it was an alien invasion story with almost no violence and loads more intellectualism. A rare thing, nowadays.

Interesting. While I found Contact and Interstellar’s endings to be real eye-rollers, Arrival really moved me. Maybe it was the fact it was more downbeat, I dunno.

You are. It’s a deeply moving movie and has he most intelligent discussion of language ive come across in film.

The last Star Wars book I ever read, it was Grade 8 I think. Reading the wiki and seeing how insane things got afterwards I am glad I did, that book was painfully bad. Thankfully it was around that time I found epic fantasy to fill the void which I still love to this day.

Not all of those people on the Death Star who blew up the planet were bad people, believe me.

There were fine people on both sides.

I honestly, truly believe in my heart of hearts that the Red Dwarf gang would have reacted less stupidly to the snake things in that scene. I think they would have had the sense to go “That’s weird and dangerous, lets run away.”

I’m a little more generous than you. I would go:

Yeah, I was about to ask, “does this book continue the series’ precipitous plunge off a cliff that somehow seems to get faster with each one?”

My “fuck, I’m old” moment came when I was sitting in the theater and a pre-trailer promo for Jumanji described the original as “a beloved classic from your childhood.” I always remembered it as a middling Robin Williams comedy with crummy CGI effects and that one weird scene where all the adults panic and start

Seriously though the trailers have all been really good and fun looking

I dunno the internet told me I was supposed to hate this movie because of short shorts.