
If we were to assume everyone who pirated content vaped, this planet would be up in smoke.

You mean we’re getting all this amazing Star Trek content for the ridiculously low price of $6 a month?!?

I call B.S. on this excuse. All you need to do is look at the Expanse, which is a far more complex show and story to produce. They haven’t been plagued by delays or a ton of negative press. SyFy was starting from scratch on the Expanse. This is Star Trek, exhibit 1 or 1A, when it comes to science fiction. It should

And it will go unwatched with no second season because nobody has extra money in their entertainment budget to pay for a whole separate streaming service for one show.

Hey Charles Stross wrote a story that touches on this subject!

My new favorite Tom Cruise anecdote is that Christian Bale based his performance in American Psycho on Tom Cruise’s 97 interview with Letterman interview. “He was aggressively likable but had dead eyes.”

Even though you just explained how the Mummy ended up in Iraq Cheryl, it’s still very very very very fucking stupid.

I hope Jenkins forces them to back a dump truck full of money up to her front door. She deserves it.

With all the money they make off Wonder Woman they can probably afford to hire a man.

I’d hate to be the flunky/short-end-of-the-straw exec that gets to crawl back to Jenkins... “, uh...hey, how ya doin there? Say, listen... about all that sh** we gave you last year... you know we were just kidding around, yeah? No biggie... ANYHOO... we were just wonderin...If you’re not busy or anything...

Stated reason:

Ooo, that’s plausible. Except he skewered one guy with an upper cut. Hmm...

Haha, I made the same comment to my GF. That whole event looked super stressful, anyone that wasn’t otherwise healthy could have some serious complications because of it. I’m sure more than a few people unfroze into a full-blown heart attack.

They never answered this question for X2, when Charles stopped the world. That would be a major mass casualty event, the likes of which we have never even imagined.

He sushied their cerebrums but their cerebellums were still intact and frozen by whatever Prof X was doing. So they stayed in place until he let them go. How bout that?

True, but I guess it hinges on whether X’s powers affect things on a mental/psychological level or a mechanical neurological level. A TBI like that would almost​ certainly render you immediately unconscious and I would think outside the influence of the prof...

The comment about people’s breathing being stopped made me realize much more fully why Xavier was considered a weapon of mass destruction and it raised another question that the film did not explicitly answer: how many people died from the incident in Vegas? You have an entire casino and hotel in cardiopulmonary

that bit bothered me so much.... unless you could speculate Prof X had control over their synaptic nerve that tensed the muscles in their bodies, these neurons continued to fire after death at his direct command to cause a type of rigor-mortise

Agree, that scene was really cool! But...