
Part of that routine involves her climbing into a hot tub, pulling the cover over herself and spraying that Git Gone into the air so she can get high off the propellant fumes.

Going into episode one, I was afraid the series might go off book too much. Four episodes in, I can’t wait to see how far they go with it; almost everything they’ve added or changed has been by far for the better. I always thought the book near-perfect; I never imaged they could do so much better.

Puppy. She explains it because he looks at her like a lost puppy, then Audrey says that that’s all he really was to her, a pet.

I assumed the exact same thing with Laura and the bugspray. Her life was so mundane and empty that she nearly killed herself. Then Shadow entered her life and made it exciting... for a bit. Then she convinced him to rob the casino to make it more exciting... for a bit. Then she was with Robbie... for a bit. When that

Puppy. She always calls Shadow “Puppy.”

One thing you mentioned, but didn’t really expand on, is that Shadow has literally become constant, shining beacon to Laura. And there seems to be a corresponding slight shift in her personality, perhaps related to the shock of her death, but which feels more related to him.

I also assumed that the hot tub was a half-hearted suicide attempt.

On the other hand “Best DCEU film” isn’t exactly a high bar to walk over...

The Youtube version of the trailer tells us that the alt-Right is out in force today, and they are committed to displaying what gutter people they are. I made the mistake of looking at the comments after seeing the high number of ‘dislikes’ on the YT posting, and my eyes are still stinging from the toxic cesspool.

Full Giger ;)

Have anyone noticed that the background image a someone getting drilled ;D

Well what else would he do? I mean, physically he’s 13, and I doubt he’ll have enough game for adult women for at least 2 years... :D

“Deacon” was a term used by the production, since its head resembles a priest’s miter. I don’t think it’s technically canonical, any more than “Space Jockey” was.

Yeah, considering how much he went out of his way to say it wasn’t an Alien movie, it did involve the Aliens a lot more than I expected, too.

Hmm, okay, I haven’t dug too deep into the movie’s lore, so I’d never heard the term “Deacon”—-I kind of assumed that WAS the Xenomorph, or kind of an early predecessor to the Xenomorph we now know.

ha. thx. bonus image just for you.

Id watch the fuck out of that. Androids being torn apart and then continuing to function, trying with amputated limbs to take the eggs while the aliens become terrified of a human looking creature that they don’t fully understand as machine being unable to house and nurture their eggs. It would be horrific for the

From what I’ve gathered from various SPOILERS:

How is it an origin story when they already existed before the movie, as shown in the mural of a xenomorph in the caves?

This is the best GIF ever. Everyone complains that it was “stupid scientists” that resulted in the deaths of the Prometheus was ALL David touching shit he shouldn’t have touched. This is a fucking GREAT GIF!