
So pat yourself on the back if you said the biggest problem with Prometheus was the fact it didnt have the alien in it.


“his money problems and chosen residence indicate, he’s likely one of the last employees of the industry.”

I kinda get the feeling Ford is doing some house cleaning of iconic roles.

The problem resides in the fact that they don’t just partake but take it as their own and then try to pretend that it never came from the immigrants in the first place.

“What Fuller is talking about is a country where the dominant culture is made up of watered-down bits of other cultures that have been deemed “acceptable.” It’s teenage girls in Navajo prints at Coachella, people who will tell you their “Chinese zodiac” sign, and the turning of henna and bindi into fashion

“One dimensional cardboard cutout characters” is not just a minor drawback. Every “scientist” on the mission was an idiot to the point that any suspension of disbelief was crushed. It’s not just zigging instead of zagging.

They found the planet with crude cave drawings. They hid an old dude on the ship as a plot device. They took off their helmets within 5 minutes of visiting a unexplored alien planet. They found a room full of dead alien bodies and enlisted zero quarantine procedures. The robot was capable of translating the written

I think it was more the planned stupidity of the expedition as opposed to the “what the hell is this” improvisational stupidity of the original Alien cast.

Since I saw it again recently, Alien’s Ripley was a smart character from the beginning, and most of the crew wasn’t selectively idiotic.

Did you really learn more about the politics of Weyland and his company from Prometheus? Alien and Aliens did a pretty good job setting up those dynamics without even showing the guy. Prometheus was literally a setup for another movie with no payoff of its own. Zero answers throughout its 2-hour run time and

Okay I’ll take a go at this.

Why did Weiland pretend to be dead? That made no sense. Why was his relationship to Charlize Theron supposed to be a secret? Why did the Naviagtors leave directions to a military installation?

It was one of the best looking films I’ve ever seen, but it was convulted and supremely stupid.

Knock yourself out...“bro”

Blame Damon Lindelof, his pass on the script was what made it a mess.

I expect horny teenagers to do stupid things, not supposedly highly-trained scientists.

The crew being stupid fills most of the movie, though. The cartography expert with an automapper? Gets lost. The xenobiologist? Sees an alien snake and immediately puts his face next to it. The goddamn spaceship crash thing. The main character just rejects any facts anyone gives her because “I have faith!”

Yeah Ridley has not been original in awhile. Pass. Film is connected to Prometheus. Pass. He cast Danny McBride who i tolerate only in good directors hands. It’s like Ridley wanted to make sure I avoided it.

Well in this context ‘scientist are too dumb’ covers a helluva lot of the movie. I was particularly fond of the ‘I choose to believe...’ Solid science there.

Prometheus is the Sci-Fi Batman vs. Superman. A self-important 2 hour plot hole.