
We all know she was banging Logan just to get closer to Jean-Luc.

While I enjoyed Prometheus (I know, I’m an exception) I still feel that the approach to the Alien prequel was flawed and a missed opportunity. When the prequel was first proposed I imagined a a film with a structure similar to the first half of Wall-E, a story told from the point of view of the alien living in its

Why is discovery at the heart of all these Alien movies? The Aliens must always be discovered by the humans. Why can’t the humans already know about the Aliens when the film begins? It could be a movie about the humans at war with the Aliens. I don’t know, anything to be different. This is getting tedious.

Afraid to Google search “back entrance” and “horror”....

Now now, there is one film I’d like for them to make: a crossover in which we discover that the Engineers designed the xenomorphs to kill the natives of Pandora so they can haz all the Unobtanium and conquer the galaxy.

I got the script for the sequel as well. A group of explores find that same C shaped spaceship on a planet for the billionth time. They find alien eggs. One of the aliens hatches and attaches itself to one of the crew. Alien or aliens attack them. The hero must kill the main alien and escape. RINSE AND REPEAT. 

The answer was “evolution”. And it was a good answer.

I’ve lost interest in seeing his vision of the Alien story including prequels. It doesn’t help that this basically still feels like a do-over.

the idea that no one ever asked in the sequels

Ridley Scott and James Cameron need to fuck off to some island together where they can spend the rest of their lives sharing scripts for all these Alien/Avatar sequels nobody’s asking for.

I got the script. A group of explores find that same C shaped spaceship on a planet for the billionth time. They find alien ggs. One of the aliens hatches and attaches itself to one of the crew. Alien or aliens attack them. The hero must kill the main alien and escape. RINSE AND REPEAT.

If, by “back entrance” he means a series of films completely gutting the majesty and mystique of his seminal work, then yes, “back entrance” is indeed what it is.

That question is who made the chest-bursting alien and for what purpose?

Sigh. One of these days we’ll get a modern movie that’s not afraid of color.

My personal favorite.

Gonna be kinda awkward when she asks him literally any details about his life and he’s unable to answer. Or when he runs into someone on the street who starts talking to him like a friend and he has no idea who the person is. Or when he eats a peanut and goes into anaphylactic shock because he suddenly has a severe

More Kira though. I chanced upon a DS9 rerun the other day, one of the later seasons when her hair had grown out a bit. Goddamn fierce and gorgeous.

I’d be more interested to know if they ever found Worf’s head in Season 8.

I thought it ended just fine. I mean, your lead character becomes a literal god, for instance.