
Oddly, that’s not far off the price point from the DVD releases. I remember those dropping for 99/season when they were released in 2002, which is actually closer to 130 in 2016 dollars. The problem is that those DVDs didn’t have any competition. The BluRays do, as there are two different streaming services that have


I’d pay that for the full series in digital format. But 1 season? Nope.

“original retail price $118 for just season one”

“Against Vietnam war”.

I didn’t read that as Pournelle chiding him for real, more like Pournelle giving him a smirky little nudge along the lines of “Ha ha, aren’t we being bold and outraging the liberals today.”

Fun fact: Niven is the great-grandson of Edward Doheny

Is this one of the ones where he argues for a master race, or does he hide it?

Arthur C Clarke was homosexual and is buried with his male partner. Not sure how that equates to “homophobe” - at most, he was semi-closeted but it was not really a secret.

Niven, who is best-known to scifi readers for Ringworld.

OK sure, Inconstant Moon is a great story. But when will someone bite the bullet and do the movie version of Rignworld? It would make Star Wars look like small potatoes and could be mined for sequels for years.

I’m not sure when it was that he took such a hard right turn, but he’s definitely... evolved, I guess, or devolved, over the years. In his Known Space stuff in the 60s and 70s, while he seemed to have a vaguely libertarian distrust of Big Government, he also seemed to basically accept that it might be the least bad

The bit about Niven suggesting that rumors should be spread about organ harvesting in order to keep medical costs down came from this piece:

I like his writing, but I’ve always gotten the feeling that he was an asshole in person.

I have mixed feelings about this. I like Niven’s work. His ‘space tourist’ style stories are great and his short stories are thought-provoking.

My Italian American grandfather fought in WWII, and despised the Nazis and fascists in Italy till the day he died. He never talked about what he saw during the war, but it always seemed like it affected him a lot. I like to think if there is an afterlife, he saw this, cracked open a ghost beer, and had a good laugh.

Peaceful protests work for two reasons: 1) They shame the opposing moderates and 2) The threat that the next step is violent rebellion. Fascism and similar ideologies (in terms of violence to opponents) don’t have shame and treat any opposition as violent rebellion. They have to be met with force. I’m not suggesting