
There’s always a bigger worm

Are you an angel?

From my point of view, the Bene Gesserit are evil!

I’ve never liked Dune. It’s too...sandy. I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.

Westworld really didn’t need Abraham’s name associated to get people buzzing about it. Anthony Hopkins alone made me want to see the first episode.

For things like this and Westworld, he is only Executive producer, he isn’t a big part of the creative team. I think it is good thag he can use his star power to get stuff like this made

Have we ever seen them together in the same room/same time? I suspect he’s off ‘acting’ on his nerdiness

Look, I get it. He’s basically Hollywood’s go-to guy for all things ‘nerdy,’ yet profitable. But goodness, does he need to put his fingerprint on everything?

That’s a lot of source material. You could go several years of one hour episodes with just the Frank Herbert books (not to mention the ones that came out after his death.)

All the material? 20 seasons. All the good material? 6 seasons.

This is the correct way to adapt Dune. How many seasons could they make out of all the material?

There are few SF properties more deserving of a remake than Dune. That said, the Lynch version should be sitting on every sci-fi fan’s video shelf. It ain’t perfect but, for what it is, it’s mighty fun. Just to see Sting stretch like a cat, or Patrick Stewart be Patrick Stewart be someone else, is worth the cost

HBO style show?

Sting for the Padishah Emperor.

Any decent engineer will tell you to design for some redundancy. Two is one and one is none. If you have one port of egress or ingress, it’s much easier to block than 2 or 3. It’s a terrible design and I would think the empire has at least a few decent engineers. This “design” is literally a plot hole to drive the

Makes sense to me if you are going to have an impenetrable shield you want a way to get in and out without lowering entire thing. Want it super protected though.

Isn’t a single point of entry far easier to guard then giving hundreds of Imperial ships a way to disable or bypass the shield?

You see the Kusanagi and Batou but no love for the Tachikoma??!!

I’ve been strongly considering going back and rewatching ‘Voyager’ all the way through. Thank you for posting this to remind me why that’s a terrible idea.

Hey now, there’s really no reason to malign the show that brought us such halcyon television classics as Threshold and Elogium.