
rrI’m not sure that video holds up. It says in the event of an India/Pakistan scenario, where each country drops 100 hiroshima sized nukes, you’d get nuclear winter.

You also have to play the music at the same time though :)

Ohio State Marching band does a different show at every home game though. So in many weeks, you have 5 days of practices to get it right, learn a slate of music by heart (which you’re expected to have 100% memorized in 2 days) then put on the show.

Wow. Michigan must be really powerful.

Delete your account.

I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t end up being the best Batman movie ever.

I really love the Lego movies, they have something for everyone.

I’m really not into comics and superhero movies, but Lego Batman is one of my favorite film characters.

By me and the rest of us who likes satire and yes we are taking meds, its called humor.

“Heinlein did you just write a book where you think a society should just be able to citizen arrest and citizen-trial people and then airlock them?”
“Do you think that that society is ... good?”
::Heinlein makes a shrugging motion::

Yeah but, what was the excuse for “Moon is a Harsh Mistress?” AKA “Heinlein’s big book of libertarian nonsense”

People who understand satire.

I stand with brundlefly.

It’s not bad; it’s merely satire that people didn’t get. Neil Patrick Harris pops up if full Nazi regalia and they still didn’t get it. Now, if you feel it fails as satire, that’s another thing entirely.

Check out the original. It’s Verhoven with his game on, easily up there with Robocop. Really, it’s a brilliant satire of militarism, propaganda, and dehumanizing the enemy. It started out as an unrelated script that they just slapped the Troopers name on (and it shows), and it ends up being almost a big “fuck you” to

Me, and I’m not alone. It’s benefited from a critical reevaluation in the past few years. It’s a great piece of satire.

I love it unironically. It’s a legitimately great piece of satire.

It’s been said to death about this film, but what I like about this film is that it is an unapologetic propaganda film, made by a director who watched Nazi propaganda films as a child.

I remember seeing the movie in the theater and being REALLY disappointed- where did all this weird military government stuff come from, where was the power armor?

And then I re-read the book. Like so many other Heinlein books, it was fantastic in 8th grade. Later in life, not so much. The politics were awful. And