
Did you actually read the article? They aren’t talking about kicking off fusion but harnessing accretion energy from a miniature black hole. I think the bigger concern would be the radiation this thing would put out.

Your point is spot on, but be careful not to confuse size and mass. Brown dwarves are only slightly larger in size than Jupiter, but they're many times more massive.

No need for fusion. All they are talking about is creating an accretion disk inside Jupiter to light it up for a few 100 million years.

This doesn’t seem to be about creating a “real” star. It’s about generating large amounts of energy in a large planet using a black hole, which might make the planet resemble a star for awhile.

Assuming the mini black hole’s mass isn’t on the order of Jupiter’s mass, the gravity wouldn’t change much.

In the theoretical process they are talking about, no additional mass would be added to a stellified planet. Gravity would go about it’s business as usual.

Yeah DCs idea of making Harley sympathetic is by removing all agency from her.

Dafuq? Joker slurpingly offers up a sexual encounter with his girlfriend-stroke-protégé Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) to a fellow career crook as a kind of underworld bargaining chip.

It was probably the DC execs. They clearly so badly wanted to make their own Guardians of the Galaxy.

A disappointing DC movie?

Given that someone had the technology to ship the lobster from Maine to Florida in the first place, one would think that they could have used the same shipper and procedures to ship it back.

As a Maine resident, I would have given up and died along the way too.

p51d007 at 4:45pm reminds us of simpler times

Hens love roosters, smoke loves fires

Why did your advertise your lazy thought processes? I’d be ashamed.

Your computer today is more sophisticated than the computers available in the early 70s. So is climate science.

you kind of killed your argument and showed you irrational hand the second you said “liberal”

Why should a conspiracy nut dictate what belongs on this site?

choo choo... better change the screen name, pretty sure that train already left the station.