
The moment he gets elected is the moment I realize, shit, I’m not in the main reality. I’m stuck in someone’s shitty nightmare dystopia.

Will the United States fail under a Trump presidency? No. Probably not. Will we be diminished? That’s something that might be a point of view sticking point. Considering what Republicans and Democrats are willing to do to make their Beliefs equal to or greater than reality... shit can get pretty bad while they


OK but it’s life after they died, right? You can call it “a limbo” but I don’t see how “afterlife” is really inaccurate.

Do people not get that? I thought everyone knew that.

The problem is that almost all of Asimov’s books are fantastically heavy ideas with featherweight characterization and almost no action. His characters rarely dramatize his stories, they narrate them. And their voices are so similar, they’re practically interchangeable. It’s great reading, stuff that really fires your

I actually thought it was a reasonably intelligent, well-made action film that managed to touch on more than a couple of Asimov’s deeper themes (even if by accident). Sure, the product placement was cheesy, and I’m not saying you couldn’t have legitimate issues with it, but there’s a tendency for people to bash the

looking forward to the actual, completely different synopsis.

If The Abyss taught us nothing else, it taught us that water tentacles are always friendly.

Watch out Patrick O’Brian. We have a new maritime scribe.

Sugar content would be the hardest to measure, I should think. After all, the alcohol in the drink is a byproduct of the sugars being eaten by the yeast. Of course this is also why I’m not worried about the sugar content of the beer, and more curious.

Lots of chatter among microbrew groups is that this does seem to be a calculated move on big beer’s part to try to hurt micros. I mean, a beer like Bud Light is going to look better nutritionally than pretty much any craft beer is going to strictly by the nutrition numbers because it has less of everything in it. Then

Yeah, like why else would these breweries want to make more work for themselves? Oh, right. Because they can afford to do so whereas smaller groups can’t. I can also foresee the big guys using this as a marketing gimmick down the line. There are people out there that would want to buy beer if they knew it had fewer

Yeah, this definitely strikes me as another attempt on the BMC part to curb the infringement of craft brewing into their market share. The ads, the buyouts, now this... they’re scrambling for anything to counter what they see as a very real threat (Yes, I am aware that the big three still account for the vast majority

There was a time that cans of soda were listed with 1.5 or 2 servings / container. But the FDA has been trying to get producers to use more realistic serving sizes across products.

Bombers will undoubtedly be more than one serving.

Hopefully they won’t do some stupid $h1t like “servings per bottle:2.5"...

Real beer: Water, barley, hops, yeast. Bud\Coors\Miller: water, rice, barley, yeast, hops, maybe not in that order. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you’ll never actually see an ingredients list on the back of a Bud Light which contains so little actual barley it would probably have to be listed after hops

The interesting thing to me is how the rule regarding nutritional info on beer served in restaurants will affect microbrews, many of which are served in restaurants.

alcohol-per-volume percentage