
Wait... Aren't they like... Violent little stone age tribesmen? I dunno that I'm more astonished at how fast they've adapted to their place in galactic society, or that they have concepts for "therapy" and "volunteer work".

I have no idea if Suicide Squad will be good or not. I do know that it won’t be a boring movie unlike BvS.

I think Suicide Squad is liable to be either great or terrible, and possibly both simultaneously.

So instead of the Wonder Woman who is willing to use lethal force as a last resort (And should be the only member of the DC Trinity to even consider the thought.) but mainly prefers to show compassion to her foes, we’re going to get Lady Murder Von Killcrazy. Because that’s the only character Zach Snyder can write.

Let’s see.

And he’ll be perfectly safe since no one has found all his Horcruxes yet.

They weren’t random peasants... People need to stop saying that. The priest was a former Frey or Lannister bannerman who killed children (it was in his emotional backstory he told us) and was trying to make up for that. The peasants could also have had similar sordid backgrounds. This is Game of Thrones, saying you’re

I agree, but in fairness the abrams wars movie did the opposite, which is just as bad. There is a resistance to a new somehow stronger empire not called the empire and a new republic located somewhere that gives no support to it because why? and leia is a part of it. Because? Apparently i have to read comics and star

I don’t see any reason why this is good... why does everything need to link together? Next they’ll be a backstory how this facehugger was the great granddaughter of the one that eventually became the queen that attacked Ripley and Winona Ryder was actually a time traveling stowaway on Prometheus.

Because the only thing the Prometheus series has going for it right now is outright insanity. So if this insane rumor is true then this movie just might be watchable. At least in my view of how boring Prometheus was when it wasn’t being insane.

This sounds like speculative bunk. Ellen Ripley’s daughter for a sequel would be fine, her mother in a prequel is just lazy writing.

“Honestly Ridley, think about this. Remember when Star Wars retconned everything so Darth Vader made C3PO and Chewbacca fought alongside Yoda and the universe seemed to get so tiny it folded in on itself and every character was retroactively made to look incredibly stupid for not remembering the shit that happened in

Because it’s the job of every prequel to give you answers to questions you didn’t care about, like how taxation on galactic trade routes led to the rise of the Empire, and how Wolverine got that jacket he wore in X-men, and look at that little tyke... he’s the guy that’s in the background of the Mos Eisley Cantina.


What if Nu-Picard was played by James McAvoy?

Well, most of the book follows the abandoning of the Earth by those ancestors. Is the movie just going to deal with the recolonisation? Because that was the most boring part. Though I guess it has a happy ending.

“Humans domesticating dogs” always makes it sound like some kind of capture and training operation, when it was probably just as likely that the runt of the litter figured out how to get humans to feed him.

Wolves got easy access to food, snuggles and skritches, and protection for their young

Edited for accuracy

I would frankly be surprised if this wasn’t the case given how symbiotic the relationship between dogs and humans has always been. We were just too useful to each other as species for this not to happen. Wolves got easy access to food and protection for their young, early humans got reliable guards and hunting