
You took the word right out of my mouth.

How is this even a question?

If they put it in the Abramsverse they’ll have to blow up the ship every episode.


Here is some additional Googling for you: The rate at which the atmosphere is stripped is slow enough that it doesn’t matter for human settlement. It’s not gonna blow away over night, these processes take millions of years.

You left out “Donald Trump’s Super-Classy Inauguration Speech”, though it’s not coming out until January, 2017.

Calling that “singing” the song is kind of a stretch.

3. Vertigo?

Where’s Face off? WHERE’S FACE OFF???

I’m with you. Completely underwhelmed by that movie. I can also think of plenty of movies I’d put instead of #61, too.

Number 79, makes this list invalid. I can accept anyone’s criteria as useful, if not objective. But that film was 2nd only to Mrs. Winterbourne in being horrible.

Technically not an American film

TIL no good movies were made somewhere after the 80s.

My personal theory is that Weyland intended the crew to be expendable and after he got his immortality they would all die of horrible accidents. Because of this plan, Weyland couldn’t hire anyone who was actually sane and competent because they would be missed, so his only option was to get some barely competent

Prometheus is a wonderful movie which accurately depicts the dangers of exploring exoplanets.

Given the grace and subtlety of the plot turns in Prometheus, pretty much any explanation should feel right at home. She could accidentally open an airlock to see the stars better and get sucked out into space and that would sound about right for a member of that crew.

(It’s not the original, but you get the idea. Still better than Newt.)

Hopefully a head in a jar with a whole new body.

Creepy, and yet still the most likable character in the movie.