
Totally knew Ramsay was gonna Ramsay, and he Ramsay’d so hard I almost Ramsay’d myself. PLUS JON SNOW IS BACK. I’m so glad they didn’t try to milk that any harder than they did.
Also: kind of cool to see the Greyjoy drama back in there, though as with the Dorne stuff from last week, gotta wonder where that’s going.


Absolutely. Show:Doran had already made it clear that she had played her last “Get out of jail free” card, and that was for simply plotting - actually carrying her plot out would’ve been an automatic death sentence, particularly since she had his son killed, too.

Well the guards total lack of reaction implies that Ellara has majority of the people on her side. She also made comments last season that the country wants to go to war over Obeyrn’s death and Doran was the only one holding them back. So the plan does seem to be to go to war. Now whether this means the Sand Snakes

I think she assassinated him because she was already on really thin ice, and after he learned she had assassinated the princess, he was probably going to chop her head off.

Those of us that don’t participate in the Pro-Marvel, Anti-DC internet groupthink

Except that we always knew Cap was a soldier. Anyone who’s sold you on the idea that Cap never killed anyone (at least in any modern interpretation of the character) may also try to sell you a bridge, beware.

I try to find the bright points in any movie I watch, and have defended the DCCU a few times (I actually enjoyed Man of Steel overall, which I know is not a popular opinion).

I think it tells us something important, though. Melisandre has been doing what she does for a very, very, very long time. So for her to face a crisis of faith now, after all that time presumably having it continue unshaken, is that much more significant.

Everyone go home, this guy just posted the perfect response

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

An alternate headline for this piece is “AMC Cedes Only Advantage Theaters Have Over a Good Home Theater System.”

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

That episode is a perfect example. It’s FULL of them discussing the Garden of Eden and whether we should lose our innocence or not... Herbert.

Lets be honest. It’s probably for the best.

Delicious Orchards in Colts Neck New Jersey sells amazing unpasteurized cider, which will self ferment in days.

Ben Hur Dur.

Give me this. I have been a Superman fan since I was a child. I think he’s cooler than Batman (YES I SAID IT). I choke up at the original John Williams score and my eyes go wide open at the mere thought of “Look, up in the sky!” I haven’t seen this guy since the very first Superman, TAS, and a few episodes of Lois and

Let me remind you where, instead of that scene, he chose to have Pa Kent explain how maybe Clark should have just let a bus full of kids die. Because that’s *my* biggest complaint, right there.

If they had a better feel for what Pa Kent represents in the comics the whole movie would have worked better... downed buildings, broken necks and all...